Villain (pt.2)

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Genre: tiny action, fluff

Pete stood there unable to move feeling all the strength he had left leaving his body. His shaking hands were clutching his side where he was stabbed. Vegas who was just as shocked dropped the knife in his hands, eyes widening as he saw Pete about to fall. Running to the hero he caught the older before he hit the ground.

"Shit. Pete, no no." Blood was staining his clothes as Pete slowly began losing his consciousness. His vision was blurry not quite seeing how worried Vegas was.

The villain was panicking trying to find a way to stop the bleeding, tears pricking his eyes as he did so. "Please, please. No this can't be happening. Shit. You're losing so much blood." Vegas cried out desperately looking in all directions trying to find a way to help. But it was too late for someone to be in the middle of the forest.

Slipping the shirt off his body he bunched up the material and pressed it onto Pete's wound. "Pete, stay with me. Stay with me, don't close your eyes. Im going to take you to a hospital." But Pete couldn't hear anything. His ears were ringing loudly, eyes threatening to shut. Is he crying right now? And he slipped into a state of unconsciousness.

"Fuck." Vegas cried harder pressing the shirt to his wound. Carefully picking up Pete, the villain began levitating above the forest trying to find a nearby hospital. His vision was blurry as he was flying feeling Pete rapidly lose more and more blood. "Please, you can't die like this." He whispered finally spotting a hospital.

Flying the older into the giant building he didn't mind the scared patients and ran into the lobby. "He was stabbed, he got stabbed he's lost a lot of blood, please. Please someone help him." A nurse and couple doctors ran to the villain with a stretcher, Vegas carefully putting the older on the bed.

"Hang on yeah." Vegas grabbed Pete's hand running with the hospital staff as they wheeled the hero into the nearest available room. "Sir, you can't go past here." A nurse stopped him, Vegas' grip on Pete's hand getting broken.

He stood in front of the glass doors watching Pete disappear around a corner. Vegas looked down at his hands seeing them covered in Pete's blood. If you played this scene for him a couple years back he would celebrate about how he defeated the hero, but now. Now his heart was slowly breaking, legs turning into jelly.

Falling onto his knees his hands began trembling loud sobs racking through his body. He didn't know why he did it. Vegas didn't want to stab Pete, but they were in the middle of fighting for the knife when it accidentally pierced Pete's body.

He messed up really really badly.

What felt like years only a couple of hours later did the door finally open. A doctor dressed in scrubs came out making Vegas literally fly to him. "How is he? He's not dead right?" The doctor took off her mask shaking her head. "No, fortunately Mr. Pete is alive. We moved him to a room in the ICU until he wakes up. You can go see him if you want."

Relief washed over Vegas. "Thank you. Thank you so much." The confused doctor only nodded leaving, wondering why the villain cared so much about the hero.

Vegas was quick to find out what room Pete was in, after all people were still scared of him. Standing in front of the door he couldn't go in. Looking down at his hands, although he washed them, he still felt like there was blood on them. Shakily grabbing the doorknob he pushed it open, letting the piece of wood go back as he stood at the entrance.

His eyes fell on Pete who was dressed in a hospital gown, oxygen mask over his face. With a hesitant first step into the hospital room, Vegas felt his heart break the closer he got. Taking a seat on the plastic chair he stared at Pete for a while before grabbing the olders hand.

He took in Pete's pale skin, eyelashes resting on his cheekbones while his bangs were so long they covered his eyes. Leaning forward he used his fingers to brush the hair away. Screw you Pete. You were finally getting me to change and you get hurt at the end.

Vegas' heart felt heavy, gaze dropping down on the cold hand of his long time rival. Please wake up soon.

The smell of nasty disinfectant filled his nostrils while the annoying sound of beeping forced him to open his eyes. Where am I? Pete first saw the white ceiling, eyes traveling across the room before everything from the last 24 hours came flooding back. He felt someone holding his hand following that to Vegas.

Pete reached to take off the oxygen mask on his face still keeping his eyes locked on the younger.

This was definitely a new site.

Pete had only learned to get used to the unamused, cold facial expression Vegas always seemed to wear. Like a mask or some other sort of disguise. Except, he wasn't hiding anything. Sleeping on the bed with his hand holding Pete's Vegas looked peaceful. And strangely beautiful.

Getting up wasn't the best idea because it had a strike of burning hot pain shoot up his body making him wince loudly. Which woke Vegas up. In two seconds the younger was sticking to Pete. "Oh my god, Pete. Are you okay? Does it hurt? Shit. Fuck. I need to call the doctor. Stay here yeah?" Vegas bolted out of the room to get a doctor leaving Pete by himself.

The hero groaned grabbing his side trying to ease the pain somehow.

Vegas walked in with a doctor who checked up on everything and gave him painkillers. "You should be fine Mr. Pete. Just gotta stay here for a week or two. Don't stress yourself too much or try to work too hard. And don't sit up and lay down too many times." And then she left with yet another confused expression on her face.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt really badly?" Pete took in Vegas' worried eyes, landing his hands on the youngers who was holding his shoulders. "I'm fine. Don't worry." Vegas' bottom lip quivered tears filling his eyes while the older began panicking. "I- what's wrong?"

Pete stiffened when Vegas gently wrapped his arms around the hero. "I'm sorry." His rock body melted and Pete hugged his villain back. "I'm so glad you're not hurt too badly." Vegas pulled away cupping Pete's cheeks. "I was really scared. For the first time in my life, I was scared to lose someone."

The hero smiled gently leaning into Vegas' touch. "Don't worry too much. It doesn't suit you." Vegas let a small smile slip before embracing the man again. Careful not to hurt him too badly again. Pete laid his forehead on Vegas' shoulder a small smile on his face.

Hugging Vegas had put quite a bit of pressure on his wound and it hurt, but he wasn't going to say anything. He enjoyed the contact.

"It's still there?" Vegas asked, Pete pulling the shirt over his body. "Yeah babe. Scars don't really go away." Pete chuckled, leaning backwards when Vegas came and hugged his waist. Head resting on Pete's shoulder. The former villain kissed Pete's neck, turning the older around.

His hands grabbed at Pete's hips pulling him closer as their lips collided into a kiss. Pete smiled against the youngers lips cupping his face. The brunettes shirt had ridden up giving Vegas permission to caress the warm skin of his husband.

Pulling away Pete blushed at the way Vegas looked at him. So much love and respect from one single gaze. Years of being together and having two beautiful children together he still somehow couldn't take that amount of affection from his husband without turning red.

"I love you so much." Vegas leaned in connecting their foreheads. "I love you." Pete whispered back. "Mr. Villain." The two giggled enjoying each others presence.


Wasn't that so cute. Anyways I'm the queen of self promo so listen up. Imma start updating my story again🤩🤩
'How We Ended' chapter two is coming out 🤭🤭

I better see you guys there😑😑

Okay by my loves <3
Good night

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