Twice Concert

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Genre: idk

Being married to someone who always got whatever they wanted all their life was very difficult. Especially when you grew up in middle class. It makes refusing them hard. If you do they start getting sad. But what can you do?

Pouting on the couch next to his husband was Pete who could only frown harder as his husband continued ignoring him. Vegas who noticed the youngers mood only looked through the corner of his eyes and continued typing up his email.

He had to confirm something with his client before they met up tomorrow and went to court.

Pete could only sigh silently and sadly before getting up. His fluffy white bunny slippers smacked the polished wood floors. Going into the kitchen the brunette took out the juice and had some straight from the container.

"Use a cup." It was the first time Vegas had spoken to him in the evening. "It's only us two. Unless you're bringing other people to our house." Pete rolled his eyes closing the fridge door. Vegas sighed looking at his husband who was messing with the end of his shirt.

"Come here." Vegas closed his laptop and patted his lap encouraging the younger. Pete looked everywhere but at Vegas' expecting eyes. Weighing his options. "Fine." He mumbled after a long period of quietness.

Vegas secretly grinned when his adorable partner penguin waddled over to him before settling on his lap. Pete still refused to look at Vegas only frowning a little. It made the older a bit sad that he has caused that frown but the problem at hand had no solution.

Pete had plans for next week to go to his favorite artists concert, he told his husband in advance. Vegas even suggested them going together. But he got a last minute case that he couldn't deny. So Pete had to go alone, something he wasn't a very big fan of.

He had suggested that Vegas pass the case to someone else but the older denied saying that it was a really big one and he was trusted with it by his boss.

"I'm sorry that you can't go to that concert. Just take Porsche with you?" Pete shook his head looking at Vegas. "I thought you and I would go." The younger was still very much mumbling. Vegas' e-mail notification went off making him look at the computer.

Pete sighed getting off his husbands lap. "I'm going to head to bed. Come upstairs when you're done." He turned around on his heels and bunny slipper slapped his way up to their room.

Vegas groaned rubbing his face, grabbing the computer that had been pushed to the side. "I thought I turned this shit off."

Back in their room Pete was thinking. He had been looking forward to going to that Twice concert with his husband for months. It really made him sad when all his plans got flushed down the drain because Vegas was a workaholic.

But at the same time the more Pete thought about it, the more he realized how irrational he was being. He knew what Vegas was like before marrying the man, always stuck on his work. He thought that it wouldn't hurt to go out and have fun together a little bit.

Exhaling Pete went down under the blankets but he couldn't sleep. He needed Vegas to sleep. So he waited until his husband came into the room. Which took a good 45 minutes that pissed off Pete.

Finally. He thought hearing the door open. 

Vegas put all his stuff away and took off his glasses. He brushed his teeth and climbed into bed carefully. The ravenette knew his husband wasn't asleep, snaking his arm around Pete's small waist.

Pulling the younger closer to himself he made eye contact with his husband brushing the bangs off Pete's forehead. "I'm sorry you can't go that Twice concert my love." Vegas whispered planting a kiss on the same spot he freed. And how could Pete stay mad at that? The younger only smiled a small one. "It's okay. We can plan another date when you're done."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to miss it, after all it was going to be the last concert for their tour." Pete shook his head scooting closer to the older. "I want to go with you. Plus when you're done we can just fly down to Korea." Vegas chuckled making the younger smile again. "Okay sweetheart. Whatever you say."

Pete giggled placing his right leg over Vegas', the older pulling him close hands on his ass. The brunette kept his hands on Vegas' chest (tiddies) the two staring at each other lovingly. Leaning forward to steal a kiss from Pete, Vegas had his hand crawl up Pete's pajama shirt. It made the younger squeal and break the kiss as Vegas' hands were a tad bit cold.

"I love you." Vegas whispered pecking his nose. "And I love you." The two shared another quick kiss those lovesick fools before turning off the lights and going to bed.

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