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Genre: angst
Includes: character death, gun violence
!Read at your own risk¡

Climbing up the grand stairs of the huge mansion he knows too well, Vegas groaned holding his arm. One of his uncles guards had shot him luckily only hitting his shoulder.

Gasping heavily Vegas held the gun with his right hand instead and went looking for the one person he came in for.

Slapping his body against the wall sent a whole wave of new pain up his entire body, more blood staining his suit. Vegas groaned holding in his pained sounds as he waited for the guards to leave his line of sight.

Once he made sure he was safe, Vegas carefully walked towards where he knew Pete's room was.

Panting heavily the ravenette shook off the blurry vision and proceeded forward.

"Woah!" But he was forced to be pushed back by none other than Porsche. The tanned male was glaring at him so hard if looks could kill, Vegas would be underground already.

"Porsche, wait. Please." The older had the gun pressed into his chest. Gulping heavily Vegas searched Porsche's eyes for the man he was once friends with but they were colder than ever.

"You.." Porsche started, venom dripping from his voice. "You killed Kinn." And Vegas saw his friend's mask break. Porsche's eyes glassed over, face etched into a pained expression.

But that weakness was gone as soon as it came. "No, Porsche. It was a misunderstanding I didn't kill Kinn, it was Korn-"

"Liar!" Porsche yelled digging the gun into his chest harder. Vegas groaned knowing that was going to leave a bruise.

"You fucking traitor. How dare you storm into our lives earn our trust then stab us in the back like this?"

"Porsche you have to understand! This wasn't my intention! I didn't come here to kill anyone, uncle Korn-"

The piercing sound of a gunshot hung in the air and Vegas gasped seeing blood drip down the corner of Porsche's lips. His white shirt was starting to get stained with blood faster than ever as he went limp.

"No, no, no." Vegas took the gun from Porsche holding his body as the older fell. Vegas went down with him flipping Porsche over on his back. "Porsche, no stay with me." He slapped the olders cheek. "You can't-you can't die like this."

Vegas desperately searched the area trying to look for the person who did this to his friend. But no one was in sight. Only the dead bodies of his uncle's guards.

Placing his hands on the bloody wound Vegas gasped seeing the color drain from Porsche's face as his eyes threatened to close. "No! No! Don't you dare do that! Porsche." Vegas was on the verge of tears.

"Vegas.." his heart stopped beating hearing that familiar voice. Vegas gulped letting his hands let loose of Porsche's wound. "What did you do?" Pete's voice cracked.

Vegas cursed realizing what this looked like. Standing up he raised his arms leading him to groan loudly. "P-Pete, baby I didn't kill him. I swear to god-"

"How can you say that?" Pete's eyes filled with tears. "How can you say you didn't mean to kill all my friends, my family. You barged in here, Vegas. You guys were the ones who started shooting. Unprovoked."

"It wasn't us! Pete! It wasn't me!" His voice softened. "You know me, Pete. Do you really think I would do this?"

"I thought I knew you." Pete's eyes welled with tears looking dead into Vegas' eyes. "But that was before you stormed into my house killed Kinn, Porsche, Arm, Pol, and.." Pete bit his lip. "And Chay."

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