Hotel Room

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Genre: idfk

Gripping the pale skin beneath his fingertips, nails digging deeper into Pete's hips, Vegas groaned moving his hips up to meet Pete's rhythm of bouncing on his member.

Sweat was sticking to the their bodies, Pete moaning with every thrust. "Fuck.. hm.." sinful sounds bounced off the luxury hotel room, Vegas attacking Pete's exposed neck, leaving dark hickeys everywhere while the older wrapped his arms around the others neck, fingers tangling in the hair behind his head. Their hot bodies were rubbing against each other, hands traveling everywhere.

"..I-..I'm coming.." Pete said moaning loudly as he came all over his stomach and Vegas' chest. The younger cursed lightly feeling himself on the edge as well. It took one more full thrust for the ravenette to empty into Pete. The two stayed together in that position, Pete whimpering weakly as he felt the warm cum hit his insides.

"Shit." Vegas sighed letting his head hit the back of the sofa. The dim lights above his head colored the sweat on his skin a golden color so it looked like he was shining.

Composing himself, Pete gently got off Vegas' member wincing in the process and falling to the floor next to the coffee table. Vegas had his arms reached out on both directions staring at the ceiling.

Standing on his feet the brunette grabbed some tissues from the table and cleaned himself off of the white liquid limping to the bed where his clothes lay. Quietly putting on his clothes again he scrunched up his face in pain and pulled the shirt over his head.

"You know where the door is." Pete rolled his eyes holding back a scoff. "Yes I do. You don't have to keep reminding me." He grumbled grabbing his phone and wallet before walking out of the room.

Vegas stared at the door before it slammed shut and also groaned sitting up. Pulling up his sweats the ravenette reached for the half filled glass of wine on his table taking a sip.


I got back together with my boyfriend 😅

VegasPete Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now