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Genre: angst

"You're doing this to me again? After everything we've been through?" Pete stood in front of his boyfriend with tears held in his pretty eyes. His hands were balled into fists while Vegas was too ashamed to look at the older.

"I'm sorry." His voice came out small and in a whisper. So low, you had to strain your ears to hear it.

Pete's heart hurt. The wound left by the previous incident which took so long to heal was now ripped open again. Months of suffering followed by forgiveness ruined in a couple seconds.

The first time Pete caught Vegas with someone's head in between his legs was three years ago. It hurt just as badly as it did right now, if not more.

But Pete blames himself. He was a fool to believe this man in front of him could change.

Pete's weak heart was moved by the sincere apologies following that dreaded day. And seeing Vegas begging on his knees in front of him was the last thing he needed to jump back into his arms.

Something he wishes he could go back in time and stop himself from doing.

"When is it going to stop?" Pete's voice came out shaky trying to hold this tsunami of emotions inside him. "Pete.."

"I thought we got over this. Y-you promised me that you w-wouldn't do it again." Vegas just stared at his shoes. He couldn't form anything in his brain that could make this situation better.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop saying that!" Pete yelled making his boyfriend flinch. "You said this the first time. If you were truly sorry then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now Vegas." The first tear rolled down Pete's cheeks and he lowered his voice.

"I just..I just want to know why? What made you go back to him? Was he really that important you were willing to risk losing me?"

"Maybe it was because he actually took care of himself okay." Vegas made the mistake of opening his mouth. "He put in effort to look good. Have you even looked at yourself in the mirror lately?"

Pete felt his heart break. Looking down at the sweatpants and large t-shirt suddenly he felt extremely self-conscious.

"It's like you don't even try anymore. How do you expect me to come home to that everyday and be satisfied?"

The brunette's bottom lip wobbled and he shocked both of them, starting to cry softly. Vegas' eyes widened gulping lowly.

"I don't have any time for myself because the kids occupy my entire day. Venice is constantly in fights and I can never make a day without getting called in by his teachers. I'm always being belittled and called a bad parent because of our son not being able to control his temper. Total fucking strangers, criticizing me. Do you know how that makes me feel?" Pete cried finding it hard not to stumble over his words.

"A-and Paris. Taking care of Paris is so hard. She's a fussy baby and is always crying. A full nights sleep would be a miracle for me. I can't even put her down to take a shower because then she'll start crying and I'm afraid she'll choke on her own spit if I'm not there." Pete wiped his face still very much crying.

"Oh but of course, you didn't know how much I was struggling because you were too busy sticking your fucking dick into some lousy guy."

By the time he was finished Pete was sobbing uncontrollably. His hands shook and he turned his back to his boyfriend. The person who repeatedly stomped on his heart.

Feeling those familiar arms snake around his waist Pete sobbed harder almost falling to the floor if he wasn't being held up. His tears dripped down his face rapidly some landing on Vegas' arm.

"I'm so sorry Pete. I didn't know." The older shook his head wrestling out of Vegas' strong grip. "Don't do this to me again. P-please." Pete pushed the younger off of him facing Vegas with his teary red eyes.

"I-I can't keep d-doing this Vegas." Pete held the place where his heart was. "I can't take it anymore."

Vegas' heart dropped to his feet. His eyes welled up with tears and he finally realized the gravity of the situation. He finally realized how badly he fucked up.


"I don't want us to be together anymore Vegas." The ravenette shook his head stepping closer to Pete who took the same step back. "W-wait."

"I've waited long enough Vegas. I-I can't keep holding onto this false hope that you're going to change. It's not good for me."

"But Pete, please. I-I can be better. I swear. I'll try and I'll help you, just don't leave me. I'm begging you." Vegas cried out. "I-I don't know what to do without y-you."

"You should've thought of that before you cheated on me Vegas."

Pete's head snapped up hearing Paris cry from the other room. "I don't want my children to wait for you while you're in the arms of someone else."

Quickly walking to Paris' room Pete shut the door and breathed in. Picking up his wailing daughter the brunette sniffled wiping her face. "What happened my love? Why are you crying hm?"

He searched for her bottle and made Paris her yummy milk. Upon feeling the tip of the bottle the little girl instantly latched onto her food source looking at her father with big doe eyes.

Pete smiled sadly gently caressing her soft cheek pecking them after.

He saw that Paris was slowly falling asleep again but he knew that if he put her down she'd start crying again.

Walking into the living room with his three month old daughter in his arms Pete saw that Vegas was on their couch. The younger had his head in his palms but looked up sensing Pete in front of him.

The older was looking at him with an unreadable face and Vegas stood up. Meeting eyes he noticed the sadness and heartbreak in those shining brown pools.

"Pete I-"

"The kids come with me. I'm taking Paris and Venice and moving back in with my parents. You can come see them on the weekends." And Pete turned around but Vegas grabbed his wrist.

Pete felt Vegas' tears hit his hand and he wanted to just curl into a ball and cry forever. But instead he freed his wrists and turned to face his lover.

Well, ex-lover.

"Don't touch me. Please." Pete gulped putting everything into not breaking down again. "My decision is final. You can either agree to see the kids on the weekends or not see them at all."

Vegas couldn't say anything. His life was falling apart around him yet he couldn't muster up the courage to beg Pete to stay. Deep down he knows that he deserves this. That he's the sole cause of everything.

He was a terrible father. And an even worse partner. Instead of helping Pete with their kids, staying with the older. Vegas turned his back on his lover and became unfaithful. Again.

Vegas didn't learn from his first mistake.

"I'm sorry."

VegasPete Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now