What Family meant - One Shot

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Family. It was just a word, only one but it had been meaning so many differents things in the life of Wayne Munson. And he remembered all of its.

At first, family designated some people sharing same blood. That was all that linked him with his members of his own family. Josef and Norma, his both parents were alcoholic and negligent and he had a young bad-tempered brother, Frank, with whom he didn't get along. That was all : blood. When he was 15 years old, he had left his home, without looking back.

He had arrived at Hawkins, Indiana, had made some friends and had got a job at the plant. Without diploma, he couldn't pretend to a better job. But it was enough for him to live decently. Years passed and he noticed he was missing something. He was alone, he had no one to take care of. Family didn't exist, it was nothing. Until he had met her.

Her name was Dolores Nolan, she worked at Hideout as waitress. She was a beautiful sweet lone woman and he fell in love with her at first sight. He had flirted with her and she didn't seem indeferent. He could remember their first kiss, after seeing The Prince and the Showgirl at cinema. A few months later, he had bended a knee with a ring and she had said yes.

They had gotten married on an April Sunday, with their friends as witness. She didn't have living family and his had never answered to his invitation. They had found a little flat in town to live and had started a new life as husband and wife. He wasn't alone anymore. She hadn't become only his wife, she was his family. Family was meaning love, together and always.

For years, they had been happy. One night, they had been laying in the bed when she had shared him her wish to have a child. He had never thought about it before. But it was the logical next step of their wedding. To have children and become parents. They had spent the night expressing about their visions of their futur baby. He wanted a boy while she desired a girl. Hope and happiness joined his definition of family.

They had been trying for months and still nothing. All their friends told them to be patient but they had almost lost hope. Until after many weeks without her period, she had felt nauseous and had thrown up. They had been starting looking for a bigger place to welcome their baby and searching a first name for him like Matthew or Nathan. What about Rachel or Eleanor if it was a girl ? Family could go by so many names.

They had found an obstetrician, had done health tests and were excited to know more about her pregnancy and their futur baby. Joy and excitement had been instantly replaced by shock and misery. Dolores couldn't bear children. What they had thought be the first signs of pregnancy were late symptoms of an advanced ovarian cancer. All their hopes to build a family were completely annihilated. Family was connoting suffering and impossible.

They had relocated in a shabby trailer. Her chemo was expensive and she couldn't work anymore. He had seen his wife sick, throwing up everything she tried to eat, losing weight dangerously, writhing in pain. However, the tumors were growing up and nothing he could try to relieve her had worked. She was agonizing, slowly and achingly. He was powerless and hated that. Always and happiness were no longer synonymous of family.

After more two years fighiting against that desease, she died on a Thursday. He didn't remember clearly her funeral. He was drunk. He was angry, sorrowed and had been trying to drown his pain with whisky. Death had taken the love of his life and he was all alone again with only alcohol and cigarettes to keep him company during his mourning. He had been back to square one, with so much greater pain.

Few weeks passed and someone knocked to his door. Still indeed the influence of anger and alcohol, his first instinct had been to tell them to fuck off. He had got surprised when they had introduced themselves as social service workers, explaining that Frank, whom he hadn't seen since his departure, would be imprisoned for severe child abuse. They hoped he could be the child's guardian and had begged him to follow them.

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