The Guinea Pigs - One Shot

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It wasn't the first time Dr Samuel Owens was working to fix the consequences of the mistakes of Dr Martin Brenner. Only the laboratory staff and few people and witnesses handpicked really knew the true nature of the events which had occured by March 1986 in Hawkins. Henry Creel, also known as One, the lost lab rat of Brenner had come back and had spread terror with telepathic attacks on teenagers of Hawkins.

Three victims, two females and one male had survived and had been admitted to the Hawkins laboratory in the intensive care unit in the same medical state. Known as the Subjects n°1, n°2 and n°4, they were constantly kept under observation. The male who should have been the Subject n°3 had deceased by drowning after he had been attacked the 03/25/86, his corpse had been left with the scientists.

Two others people, who had had the bad idea to venture into the alternative dimension, had been bitten by what the witnesses had described as 'demonic bats'. Fearing a potential contagious infection by an unknown virus, both had been quarantined by the medical staff. The wounds of the Subject n°5, a young male attacked the 03/26/86, had healed in few days, only scars remained on his belly.

However, the Subject n°6, another young male injured a day after, didn't seem to totally recover from his wounds and had been developping unprecedented symptoms. His condition was very worrisome. Luckily, it didn't seem to be contagious.

The situation in the intensive care was more encouraging with the Subject n°1. After they had observed the consequences of the agressions prepetrated by Henry Creel, the doctors didn't expect a similar recovery. The assessment was ironically disturbing and paradoxal, taking into account that the wounds of the Subject n°1 had looked worse than the ones of the Subject n°6.

In his office, Dr Owens was reading some reports of the two medical teams on his desk.


Report about the Subject n°1

Date : 04/05/86

Subject n°1

Type : European Gender : Female Age : 18

Hair : Strawberry blond Eyes : Blue

Height : 5'3'' Weight : 105 lbs

Status : In intensive care unit Date of admission : 03/22/86

First victim of Henry Creel the 03/21/86

Current clinical condition :

Blindness (retina cells harmed)

Multiple fractures of the limbs and the mandible

Jaw immobilized by wires and limbs put in plaster, subject feeded by a enteral tube

Intravenously morphine treatment for pain

Previous notes :

Coming out of coma the 03/29/86

ECG and EEG : normal results (ref. annexes)

Responds positively to treatments and will start rehabilitation as soon as the orthopedic surgeons will autorize it

Recent observations :

04/01/86 : syncope and epitaxis, lasted for 1 min

04/03/86 : syncope and epitaxis, lasted for 2 min

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