A happy event - One Shot

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While they were waiting in a line, Chrissy went into ectasies in front of a baby in his mother's arms. He was smiling and babbling to her, making Chrissy smiling more and giggling. Eddie found her reaction cute.

For days after that, she seemed to be  concerned by something. Often, he surprised her being daydreaming, a blissful grin on her face.

The November 2nd, after the diner, while she was doing the dishes, she cleared her throat.

'' Eddie, I wanna talk to you... ''

While he was drying the plates, he listened her, even if he didn't really like when she started with ''I wanna talk to you... ''. That often meant she was angry or anxious.

'' I can't help thinking more and more about that. ''

'' About what ? ''

'' Well... We're dating together for two years. We have our little duplex, our jobs. So I was wondering if we could... ''

Her cheeks turned red and a blissful grin appeared on her face.

'' You know... Start a family. ''

He stood speechless. It was the first time they were talking about that. Since their beginning, they were enjoying their couple life, they hadn't needed anything or anyone. She hadn't wished that changed. Neither him.

'' Eddie, what do you think ? ''

That was the reason why she was daydreaming. She wanted to start a family with him. Would it be the right moment for having kids ? Would they be ready for that ? Would they be mature to take care about another human being ? Would he be a good father ? His old man hadn't been a good example. He didn't want to be like him, but... Would it be enough to not make errors with a child ?

'' Eddie, say something. ''

Having children requested money, time and responsibility. They had a little money with their job. Would it be enough to provide for a baby ? For time, he would have to sacrifice the time he used to spend with his friends playing D&D and his band. No more stupidities. Would he be ready to abandon his hobbies ? And responsibility... He had never seen himself as someone responsible. Was he ?

'' Eddie ? ''

Was he ready for having a child ? Would he be up to this ? Did she think he was ? She wanted to have a baby after two years of relationship. She felt it was the good time. She had been daydreaming about that. She felt ready.

'' I'd understand that it might be too early for you. ''

He tried to put all his fears and his questions aside and to look to the future. He wondered what would look like their family. He and Chrissy with their two or three kids, boys or girls or both, cuddling together. A lovely image.

She nodded, looking disappointed and walked away.

'' Never mind, Eddie... It's okay... ''

He dropped the dish towel on the table and held her hand.

'' Chrissy, I wanna make babies with you. ''

She gave him a smile.

'' Really ? ''

'' Yeah. ''

She passionately kissed him and let out a gasp when he lifted her from the ground.

'' Let's practice right now. ''

She giggled in his arms while he was taking her upstairs, to their bedroom, for their first wild screw without condoms.

During months, they put their heart and soul into it, having regularly sexual relations. They didn't put themselves under pressure, watching out or calculating her period of ovulation. It would take necessary time. Mother Nature had her own laws, no needed to turn their wish into an obsession.

Eddie x Chrissy Alternate storiesWhere stories live. Discover now