Wounded - Part One

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<< General Macarthur tossed from side to side. Sleep would not come to him. In the darkness he kept seeing Arthur Richmond's face. He'd liked Arthur, he'd been damned fond of Arthur. He'd been pleased that Leslie liked him too. >>

Laying on her bed, Chrissy Cunningham was listening the audiobook tape of the masterpiece And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It was the third time she listened it this week. Even if she already knew the plot twist, she didn't get enough. The suspens, the atmosphere, the narrator's voice. She could imagine the characters, their environment... It helped her to take her mind off something and to kill time while she was staying in her room.

It must be said that she had a lot of time and few possibilities to spend it. Listening music and audiobooks, lounging in the sun and swimming in her pool, there were the only activities which gave her a little comfort she had been doing those last weeks. She hadn't come back to highschool. She couldn't read her magazines, watch her favorite movies or jogging in her neighborhood now. How could she do that without her eyes ?

Since the March 21th and until her death, she was blind. She couldn't forget it. She had been in the trailer of Eddie Munson, ready to buy strong drugs, ready to do anything that could have stopped her visions, her nightmares. And while Eddie had been looking for his Special K in his room, she had had another vision, the worst of all. That time, the humanoid monster, who had been tortured her during days and nights, had trapped her.

'' Don't cry, Chrissy... It's time for your suffering to end. '' He had said. He had been ready to kill her, she had known it. It was the end. He had lifted his monstrous and deformed hand over her face and then something had happened. She had heard the voices of the singer of Blondie singing Call me and Eddie trying to wake her up from her transe, while the monster had driven his long claw-like fingers in her face.

She didn't remember what had clearly happened next. It was chaotic. She remembered the darkness and two voices : Eddie and a girl she didn't know. She could hear them but she couldn't understand what they had been saying, as if she was in another world with their unintelligible voices echoing around her.

She had woken up the next day in Hawkins Memorial Hospital, alive, safe and sound. At least, almost safe and sound. Quickly, she had understood she couldn't see anything. Panic and despair had invaded her. She had thought she was in another nightmare and had tried to escape, but disoriented and unable to see anything, she had just banged into furniture and fallen on the floor, hysterically screaming until the nurses had injected her tranquilizer.

She had been at the hospital, having clinical examinations to understand what had taken her sight and if she would recover it. To none of those questions, the doctors had found any satisfying answers.

When Jason learnt she'd be completly blind forever, he had freaked out, had found a pathetic excuse and had turned away from her, while she had been needing him the most. Alone, crying her eyes out in her hospital room, she had been facing up the separation and the harsh reality of her new condition.

Except her family, two girls had come to visit her in the hospital, two girls she knew by sight in highschool. Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley. They had introduced themselves as Eddie's friends, knowing the truth about what happened to her and questionned her.

Nancy had been witness of the lethal transe of Fred Benson. And with the uniting of Eddie's and Maxine Mayfield's testimony, the girl she had heard the voice in the trailer, their party had understood that the two events were linked. They had been convinced that a huge threat had been coming and had asked her help to understand everything and to save Max, Hawkins and his inhabitants.

Thanks to them, Chrissy had learnt about the Upside Down, the truth behind the blaze of Starcourt, the existence of people with psychokinetic abilities like Eleven or their new enemy. They had called him Vecna, a reference to a powerful dark wizard of Dungeons and Dragons, a game they played in Hellfire club. She had hoped to help them more in the fight against Vecna but she couldn't. How could a blind help them to fight monsters and cancel the apocalypse ?

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