For those who were remaining - One Shot

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1986 was a bad year for Dustin. He was haunted by the events of the spring break, by the death of his friend Eddie and the promise he had sworn to respect. For Eddie and for those who were remaining, he would do the most painful thing in his life. He could remember all the things which led him here.

Chrissy had seen terribles things and had headaches. Thinking drugs could help her, she went at Eddie's trailer for buying Special K the night of the March 21th. When he left her alone for looking for the stuff in his bedroom, she had a new vision. The worst. The humanoid slimy creature she had seen in her nightmares had caught her and was killing her when Eddie woke her up.

It was an accident. Not that he didn't have wanted to save her, he didn't know how he made it. He tried to wake her up, shaking her shoulders, calling her but nothing had worked. She levitated in the air, lifted against the ceiling and her bones started snapping one by one. Shocked, Eddie stepped back and bumped accidentaly into a radio, which started to play music. And few seconds later, Chrissy regained consciousness and fell on the floor. It was a wake up extremly painful. All the bones of her legs and her right arm were broken, like a bulldozer had run on her limbs.

Seeing the seriousness of her wounds,Eddie had quickly brought her to the hospital. Max, who had noticed the light flashing in her house, made a link with them when she heard her screaming and saw him bearing her to his van and driving much more like a crazy that he used to.

Noticing the strangeness of her wounds,medics were suspicious and called the police. Obviously, without Hopper who knew about Upside Down and the truth about the strange events of the last years, the officers didn't believe Eddie when he told them the truth and arrested him. Eddie continued to proclaim his innocence during hours, even when one of officers lost his patience and hit him again and again, hoping he would finally spit out the truth he wanted to hear.

At the same time, Chrissy woke up after the important surgery she had needed. Officers harassed her with questions about the events of the night of March 21th. Once again,the truth fell on deaf ears. When she gave them the same testimony as Eddie's, they concured she couldn't help them. They had their theory about it. Maybe the extrem violence of the agression had turned her mad, she had developped some Stockholm syndrom or Eddie had brainwashed her with some satanic tricks. Her parents and Jason were mad of pain and wanted to make Eddie pay.

Another police team was at Forest Hills to investigate. And a missing, Fred Benson was reported. The last time he had been seen before vanishing was next to the trailer park where Eddie used to live. Obviously, they made the link with their main suspect. This time, they offered him to redeem himself and help them to find Fred, promising the finding of Fred alive would reduce his sentence.

With Max's testimony, the party found out something related to the Upside Down happened again in Hawkins. Only the people who wasn't linked in a way with Eddie could visit Chrissy at hospital and listened her version of the facts. She felt relieved to find someone who believed her. The visit helped the party to understand two things. The first one was the fact that music had saved Chrissy from death. The second one, and probably the worst, was the absolute certainty that the same fate would happen to Max too. Since a week, she was having headaches, nightmares about Billy's death and visions. Just like Chrissy before her. When they asked her where was Eddie, she couldn't answer them. She hadn't seen him since the ride to the hospital, during which she had fainted by pain. They let her a walkie-talkie, praying her to inform them if something new happened and to take care of her, with a radio beside her.

The fate plagued on Eddie again. Handcuffed in the back of the police car, with two officers in the front, they found Fred Benson, alone on the road, in the transe like Chrissy in his trailer. While the officers were helpless and fear stricken by the macabre show in front of them, Eddie escaped from the car and vanished into the woods.

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