See what I hear - One Shot

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They were laying on his bed, cuddling up to each other. Her head on his shoulder, Chrissy was playing with one lock of his hair. Eddie loved that. Feeling her messed up soft hair on his bare skin. Hearing her breathe. No needing anything, or anyone. Just being with her, doing nothing and savoring the peaceful present moment, in their own little world.

He was almost falling asleep when her voice woke him up.

''Eddie ? What was the song you played at the gig ? ''

''Which one ? ''

''You know, this one which sounds like this. ''

She started to sing the instrumental with onomatopoeias to help him to recognize it.

''Oh yeah, Metallica. Master of Puppets. ''

''Yeah ! You were truly amazing ! Only thinking about it thrills me. ''

''Thanks but... I don't deserve no special credit. ''

It wasn't false modesty. James Hetfield was a fucking genius and had composed the song, Eddie only learnt how to perform it. She raised to face him.

''I disagree. When you've performed it, you looked like a god. ''

Her cheeks turned red and a cajoling smile appeared on her face. That was the best and the sweetest compliment he had ever received.

''Don't tell me such things, honey. I risk getting a big head. ''

She laughed. God he loved her laugh.

''I'm kinda jealous. I'd have liked to know how to play an instrument like you do. ''

''Maybe I could teach you, if you want to. ''

Her fingertips brushing his tattoos pattern, she shook her head.

''Oh no, forget that. I'd make you want to tear your hair out. My mother paid teachers to learn me piano during four years. I think some had a breakdown because of me. When she finally understood I wasn't improving, she gave up. ''

He tried to picture her playing clumsily piano with wrong notes, failing the sequences of chords. In one hand, he would have liked to see and hear that, by curiosity. And in another hand, he took her words for it and respected her will.

'' You never told me about that. ''

She bit her lips, ashamed.

'' I ain't boasting about my mediocre skills at piano while you're a musician at heart. ''

' 'You know I'd not laugh at you. ''

She gave him a beaming smile and kissed him before she got herself back in her spot.

''Do you miss it ? ''

He was curious. Even if she wasn't skilled, she could have liked it.

'' Honestly... Absolutly not. I liked my teachers, they were nice but the lessons were an hell. I ended up hating piano. ''

He smiled to himself, remembering that he had been living the same situation with the english litterature class of Mrs O'Donnell. He could understand her opinion.

''I guess your lessons were better than mine. ''

''No one taught me. I did it all by myself. ''

His uncle Wayne didn't have knowledges about music and didn't have money to pay lessons. So he had had to manage on his own. How put his fingers on the fretboard and pinch the strings to play the notes, how change them and tune his instrument, Eddie had learnt it all alone.

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