Get up, ready, mark, shoot ! - One Shot

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Max was pacing up and down in the toilets room next Mrs Kelly's office and wondering how she would tell Lucas she wanted to break up with him. It wasn't a stupid teenagers quarell like the previous times. She really wanted it. She wasn't okay and it was better to take a weight off his mind.

While she was waiting for him, she was choosing the right words. She wanted to be clear, not mean or brutal. Finally, he arrived.

'' You came. ''

'' You wanted to see me. Of course, I came. I just ask you to be quick, Coach won't appreciate if I'm late at my pratice. ''

She took a breath. Ok, let's do this quick.

'' Yeah. I thought about us and I rather tell you face to face. I want to break up. ''

'' Okay. How long this time ? A week ? Two ? ''

'' No, I mean definitively. ''

It was clear he didn't expect that.

'' What ? Why ? What have I done ? ''

'' No, you... You don't understand...''

'' You're right ! I can't understand because since your brother's death, you don't talk to me !''

Both lost their temper. Max took her bag.

'' You know what ? Drops it ! Go to your stupid practice ! ''

Leaving the toilet, Max was pushed by someone walking in the halls. She would yell after him but when she saw them, she didn't. Two persons  wearing scaring clown masks and big bags. A saw-off shot gun was poking out one of its.

'' Max ! Max ! Don't run away from... '' Shouted Lucas walking after her.

'' Please shut up. ''

'' What ? ''

'' Look.''

She pointed the strange individuals leaving the building to the gym.

'' The gun didn't look fake... '' She whispered.

'' Holy shit... ''

They stared each other before running to Weekly Streak club. Pseudo-reporters teenagers inside gave them ablack look.

'' Nancy ! We got a big problem !''


Sitting along the field with her friends for rest and gossip before their practice, Chrissy was watching Jason and his team running from side to side of the gym again and again under their coach's barkings.

'' Come on, boys ! Faster ! Or y'all will do thirty more ! Where's the goddamm Sinclair ? Faster, Carver ! ''

Girls couldn't help but chuckle when he gave to his team a whistle blow. Suddenly, two persons entered in the gym, wearing scaring clown masks on their face and big bags. What was that ? Without talking, boys stopped running and girls stood up.

'' Well, well... The dickhead jocks and their stupid cheerleaders. ''

'' Hey ! Where the fuck do you think you are ?! '' yelled the coach.

They dropped their bag on the floor.

'' Let's begin the carnage, man. ''

Both drew guns and the taller killed the coach. Oh my god ! The other started shooting the basketball team.

Everyone started screaming, running and pushing each other. During the stampede, Chrissy fell on the floor.When she tried to stand up, something heavy fell on her. She turned her head and discovered with horror her friend Beth's inanimated face next to hers.

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