March, 21th '86 - Part Two

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Attending to Kaminski's class was really penible with her fucking cramps. She tried to look fine, breathing to relax and to relieve her from the pain. During her cramps, she was unable to write, it was too much. She checked the hour. She couldn't wait the end of the class. She raised her hand and asked to go to the nurse's office. He accepted, with reluctancy.

'' Campbell, you go with her. ''

They both put their stuff in their schoolbag and left the room, heading toward the nurse's office. During their walk, Gwen tried to reassure her, telling her she would make sure Chrissy had the notes and the docs of the lesson of chemistry. Chrissy limited herself nodding and knocked to the door of the nurse's office.

'' Come in. ''

Gwen opened it. Ms Summers was sitting behind her desk.

'' Hi Ms Summers. ''

'' Hi girls. How can I help you ? ''

It was always embarassing to explain why she wanted to be here.

'' I have stomachache and backache with my periods... Can I stay a little ? '' Chrissy said.

Ms Summers looked sorry for her.

'' Of course, you can. Do you want a hot water bottle ? ''

She nodded. Gladly... Waiting the water heat up, the nurse questionned her about drugs she had taken. She wrote something on a paper, probably reasons for absence for her and Gwen.

'' Do you want I call your mother ? ''

Chrissy shook her head. Her mother was one of the last persons she wanted to see right now.

'' No... There's the championship game tonight, I have to be there... ''

'' As you wish. ''

Gwen hugged her before leaving the office and coming back to the class.

'' See you later. ''

Ms Summers led her in a room. Chrissy dropped her bag on the floor, closed the drape and sat on the bed. She massaged her stomach. Ms Summers came back with a cup of water, an antispasmodic pill and the hot water bottle. She laid on the bed, held the hot water bottle against her belly, put the blanket on her and tried to rest, even just a little. She hoped she could be able to cheer at the match.

Being lying in the bed and the warm of the hot water bottle relieved her a little. However, she couldn't rest or sleep. She was in a lot of pain. The drugs seemed to be ineffective. The cramps were becoming cluster and stronger.

She remembered all the damn lousy remarks people could have made. The first one was from her own mother. She had expected understanding and support from her mother, the person who should be her model on Earth but she hadn't recieved any.

'' Don't be a sissy. You put up with your periods, you deal with the pain and life goes on. ''

She wasn't a sissy. Her periods were very very painful. She felt a huge pain in her stomach, in her back, as if some beast was biting and scratching her inside. She wasn't simulating to have a bit of attention. The pain wasn't in her mind.

Her father was one of the ob-gyns of Hawkins. He had been explaining her that pain was normal during the periods. Over the years, he had prescribed her painkillers and several contraceptive pills. Some reduced a little her hemorrhages. But none decreased the pain, without talking of the side effects.

She could remember when the Pastor Charles had noticed that she didn't look okay during his office. She had confessed her pain and how she suffered. As answer, he had just quoted a verse of the Bible, the Genesis 3:16 with a comment.

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