Wounded - Part Two

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She woke up with a start. Someone was softly shaking her shoulder.

'' Chrissy ? ''

It was Steve.

'' Are we arrived? ''

'' Yes. ''

She unfastened her seatbelt, took her bag and stepped out the car. She took some steps forward and shivered, surprised by a little cool wind. Distantly, she could hear some ducks quacking on the lake. Some blades of grass were tickling the edge of her toes. She smiled, it was enjoyable to be in the countryside, far from her home. She turned back around.

'' Are you sure you don't want to postpone ? It will be dark in an hour around. '' Steve asked.

An hour could be long enough to see the first consequences, good or bad.

'' I'm sure. We won't go far anyway, Steve. We'll be back before it gets dark. ''

If they managed to walk one mile before she'd feel exausted, that wouldn't be bad. She heard Dustin and Eddie's voices getting higher.

'' Oh come on, Eddie. Just admit it. ''

'' You break my balls, Dustin. ''

She wondered what they were talking about.

'' We come with you, just in case. '' Steve suggested.

She liked Steve and Dustin but she didn't want them to accompagny her and Eddie during their walk. Steve could be clumsy with words and neither her nor Eddie needed that. Moreover, they didn't need an escort or witnessess. And she thought Eddie would be more inclined to discuss with her if there were only two, in some kind of private and safe space.

'' It's okay. Eddie'll watch me. ''

'' Yeah, they have a pair of eyes for two. They can get by fine without you. Unless... You want to be the third wheel, Steve. '' Dustin joked.

'' Dustin... '' Eddie mumbled.

She heard Dustin chuckling. Why did he say that ? What had they told each others when she was sleeping ? Steve sighed.

'' Okay. You're responsible for her, Eddie. '' Steve warned.

'' No kidding... ''

'' We'll wait here. Hopefully your walk doesn't take too much time. ''

She thought that wasn't fair for the boys to wait for them here. She didn't know exactly what time it was. However, she guessed it was time for diner. They might be starving.

'' You know what, Steve ? You don't have to stay here and calmly wait for us. You should order something to eat. '' she suggested.

'' Good idea. KFC, Henderson ? ''

'' Why not. Do we take something for you both ? ''

'' No thank you. '' Eddie answered.

She didn't really like fried chicken. But his uncle had said that he hadn't eaten since days. If she managed well, she could convince him to eat something.

'' French fries for me, ketchup and a dessert. I'll reimburse you. ''

Right now, she didn't have money on her. But she would keep her words.

'' Which one ? ''

She shrugged her shoulders.

'' I don't know. Surprise me. ''

She felt Dustin's hand taking hers and putting something cold, big and heavy inside.

'' Take this, it's a walkie-talkie. Call if there's any problem or if you want to go home. '' Dustin declared.

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