Guilty pleasure - One Shot

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Sitting at the back of the class, next to the window, Eddie was looking a flock of birds perfoming a ballet in the air, probably barn swallows. It was spring. They were coming back form their migratory journey in the south and would probably breed soon. He envied them, they were free. They weren't stuck like him here, having to listen a boring history class lesson.

It was his third senior year. He knew by heart the program and the habits of his teachers. The last history lesson of Mrs Click, they had studied totalitarianism. When he had entered in the class, he had noticed the presence of a TV. He could bet $100 they would see the Great Dictator today.

'' We're gonna watch the political satire movie of Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator released in 1940.''

Surprise, suprise ! She loved that movie. Eddie rolled his eyes. The first and the second viewing were fun. The third would be redundant.

'' I ask you to notice all the elements presents in the movie relative to autoritarian and totalitarian goverment characteristics. ''

At least, he could fake working and sleep in class during two hours.

'' And with those, for the next session, you'll write a detailled commentary about totalitarism, its influence in each aspect of a society. And I advice people who'd take it lightly, your work will be graded. ''

Oh, that was new. Fuck, so long his nap. '86 was the year he would be finally graduated. Even if this home work didn't enchant him, he would do it.

'' Gabrielle, Sam, Brittany, Eddie, can you shut the blinds, please ? ''

Of course, Mrs Clickety Clackity. While he was shutting the blinds with others students, she got a book from her bag.

Here we go for to two hours to be bored. During what it seemed to be a never-ending time, he was writing some notes on his sheet and cogitating about his commentary. He checked his watch. It was 11:47 am. He would be free soon.

He streched his legs and felt something against his foot. What was that ? He brought it closer and picked it. A little box with three buttons « On/Off », « + » and « - », two small diodes with Min and Max, and the name of a brand he didn't know. It looked like... A remote ? How it came to his feet ? Since when was it there ? Whose was it ? For what was it ?

As soon as he turned it on, the diode next to Min lighted on and he saw Chrissy Cunningham, sitting in a raw before his, on his right, jumped on her chair.

'' Oh shit ! ''

'' Be quiet. '' adviced the teacher.

Chrissy glanced around her, as if she would check someone else noticed her jolt. He acted as he was writting something and out of the corner of his eye, watched her looking for something in her bag.

'' Shit, shit... Not now... ''

He saw her bag was opened and some ofher things were spilled out as far as Brittany's chair and his feet. Was she looking for the remote he had in his hand ? It was hers ?

'' Where is it... ? ''

'' What are you looking for ? '' Brittany whispered.

He pricked up his ears to her. During a short moment calm in the movie, without any sound, he percieved some kind of vibration sound. He pressed the « + » button and as soon as he did, Chrissy reacted with a such charming expression of surprise and pleasure mixed.

'' Oh god... ''

Had he done that ? Wait... Was she wearing some kind of remote-controlled sextoy ? And had he the remote ? Oh...He chuckled and hid it carefully beside his thigh, out of her sight. Who did know that the Queen had that kind of toys ? He wondered how it looked like. Was it against her pussy or inside her ?

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