Fetish - One Shot

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Like everyone, Chrissy thought fetishists were psycho, disgusting men. Some kind of voyeur hided behind trash masturbating, sadistic perv delighting inflict pain or young women's dirty panties collector. Dangerous people who noone wanted to meet. Scary people who everyone avoided.

She used to think it, before she had been dating with Eddie Munson. Everyone called him freak and spread rumors about him. Reality was different. He wasn't a mean and scary satanist cult leader, just an eccentric nonconformist metalhead.

It began with a drug deal meeting at the picnic table in the woods, sharing memories about the middle school Talent show. Then a drink at Hideout after a gig of Corroded Coffin, Eddie and his friends' metal band and a hot chocolate with waffles in a coffee during spring break. Each time they were together, an uncontrolable blissful smile appeared on their faces.

They had been starting hang out and surprisingly, they felt some electricity between them. Time seemed to slow down when their gaze met. A strong mutual attraction which they couldn't resist. Mixtape exchanges, weed buyings, tutor classes...They had been spending time searching excuses to see each other at high school. Until they finally confessed their feelings.

Their relationship was a surprise for everyone. Someone feared Chrissy was insane. If not, why would the sweet Queen of Hawkings High dump Jason Carver, the captain basketball team to date a drug dealer like him ? Fuck off ! They didn't know him. Unlike Jason, he was really kind, funny and honest.

Since they had been dating, she had been starting to say out loud all she thought, to get rid of the always docile and perfect girl's image, which had straitjacketed her. She could finally be who she ever wanted to be. Like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

They showed curiousity for each other's interests. She tried to play to their game with his friends from Hellfire club whereas Eddie came to see her cheerleading. They wasted time talking about anything and everything and laughing for nothing. They were over the moon.

However, she felt that something was wrong, things left unsaid between them. She had percieved his coyly and briefly caresses on her thighs when she fell asleep next to him. Sometimes, on days she was wearing her cheer uniform, she had noticed him secretly ogling her legs before looking away, flushed. When they had sex, he seemed to refrain to do something.

One evening, on his couch, they were watching a rented video tape. She came closer to hug him, relaxed her bare legs on his thigh, he freezed and softly pushed hers away. She didn't move, observing him. Time had come. She would make him talk.

'' Something's wrong ? ''

'' Uh... No. Nothing.''

She frowned her eyebrows. She knew he was lying, hiding her something.

'' Eddie, you know you're bad at lying.''

He sighed. '' Promise me you won't laugh. '' He looked ashamed. She nodded and holded his hand, trying to reassure him. He took a breath.

'' I don't know why, I'm just...loving female legs. Don't misunderstand, I adore all your shapes. I mean... From hips to toes it's the most sensual body part to me. So... When you do this, it's drive me crazy, make me wanna touch it, lick... '' He stopped short and looked away. '' Maybe I'm truly freaky. ''

The former Chrissy would agree with him. The new one was more open-minded. How many times had she been hearing jocks in highschool halls talking about girls' ass and tits with lustful and ungracious remarks ? No one was shocked about those female body parts sexually adoration they had. Why would she be scandalized by his penchant for legs ? She stood up and led him towards his bedroom.

'' Do it. ''

'' What ? ''

'' You're allowed tonight. Do what ever you want with my body. ''

Initially, she was nervous, not sure about what to expect. But gently, she discovered how sensitive and erogenous this area of her body could be. What she was appreciating the most was seeing him, free from shame and fear, strong of her trust and her love, enjoying licking her ankles and gently biting her calves while he was screwing her harder and harder. God, this letting go was so fucking divine for both.

Since they had both accepted his fantasy, their couple became stronger and their sexuality got more passionate and ardent. She had been having fun charming him, easily turning him on exhibiting her legs in front of him or rubbing her foot against his fly. It wasn't an intimacy soiled by perversion, just a game for two and she took as much peasure as he did in participating in his fetichism.

Weeks had passed and senior year came at its end. She managed to convince him to accompagny her to the prom night, with the promise that he would enjoy the party. For a week, she took care to avoid to be naked with him, pretending having stomachache, avoiding to spoil him the surprise.

At prom night, she was trembling with impatience, probably more than him. During a slow, she came closer to his ear and whispered with a lascivious tone.

'' Do you still have the keys of Hellfire club ? I wanna show you something. ''

He rose an eyebrow, stupefied.

'' You know people will notice our absence, don't you ? ''

She winked.

'' Who cares. ''

Quietly, they escaped from the gym and inquisitive gazes. They ran and laughed through the halls to the room where he had been playing DnD with his friends. They came in and locked the door. She sat on a table and kissed him eagerly, until they both were breathless.

'' You're horny as hell, little lust angel. Are you trying to make me lose my few sanity ? ''

She giggled and distanced him.

'' I can't wait to see your reaction.''

She slowly lifted the bottom of her dress, up to her hip, revealing her garter tattoo on her right thigh. He stepped closer and kneeled, wide-eyed.

'' Jesus... ''

She grinned then got hotter and wetter while he was brushing his fingertips on the delicate lace pattern inked in her skin. His lips reached on her tattoo and kissed her soft skin. When he looked up at her, she felt like a worshipped goddess.

'' You're the most beautiful, the most fascinating and the naughtiest woman I ever seen. ''

He stood up and his hand sensually moved under her panties. He groaned finding her wetness. His fingers stimulated her clit and her walls, making her moaning loudly and spreading more her legs. She wanted him wildly.

'' Marry me. ''

She gasped, confused.

'' W-What ?''

He removed his hand and took off one of his rings. He giggled, blushed.

'' Sorry, I didn't imagine doing my proposal like that but... You're my perfect soulmate. I fucking love you. I won't ever love another but you, Chrissy. So would you ma...''

She cupped his head and kissed him, tears running on her cheeks.

'' Yes. ''

 Like everyone, Chrissy used to think fetishists were psycho, disgusting men. Some scary and dangerous men. Maybe some actually were. But not Eddie.  

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