The Big Bad Wolf - Part One

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Russell turned on the faucet and splashed water on his face. He turned it off and wiped his face with a towel. Then, he meticulously put foundation on his face and his throat, like Tess had learnt him. Gradually, his scars, the tattoos of the guns, of the snakes and the inscriptions disappeared under the make-up.

He needed to hide all his recognizable signs, to not make any mistake to enter in his character. He had let grow his brown hair and his beard and worked his accent. And everyday, he did that ritual. It pissed him off but he had to do it anyway.

Now, it was done, he examined his reflection in the mirror. Without any scars and any tattos on his skin, he was really looking like his goddamm father with that awful short beard and his short hair. He hated that. But tonight would be the last time he had to disguise himself. He was about to do the biggest deal of his career.

He had made his plan. He had taken notes of the organisation of the security staff, memorized the map of the building, gotten every informations he thought useful to be prepared, he had hidden the blocks of C4. Everything was ready.

But most importantly, despite all Tess could say, her state was getting worse. He could see her weaken each day. She had lost weight due to her lungs cancer. She had never been fat but now, she was nothing but skin and bone.

She had been fighting this shit with chemo and surgeries during a long time until the docs found the cancer had spread to her bones. To hell the cancer. To hell the doctors and the chemo. She wouldn't waste her time in hospitals anymore. She had some things more important to do.

She was strong and pig-headed but not enough to stop tumors to grow. Perhaps it was her iron-will had helped her to get by that fucking illness which was eating away at her so long. But her time was limited. He could remember her words. '' Our little boy is over there. He's alone and he needs his mother. '' He wouldn't wait any longer.

He walked out the bathroom. In the hall, he heard a feminine voice resonating in the trailer. He found Tess in the kitchen. She was sitting at the table, busy with his last blocks of C4 and her tools.

'' What is that ? ''

'' A last gift, for Brenner and his dogs. ''

He stared at her. She was only wearing a grey head scarf, her panties and a white wifebeater she had borrowed to him. She was swimming in his shirt. He could see the large scar in the middle of her breast, the burns on her shoulders and her back. Those scars disfigured her body and her tattoos but she wore proudly as the evidences of the ordeals she had undergone. To his eyes, she was still beautiful.

She coughed and grabbed the wire cutter, without raising her eyes from the bomb she was concoting.

'' Do you plan to stay here, watching me and scratching your balls ? ''

He took a cup and filled it with coffee.

'' I'm gonna do this tonight, Tess. ''

She stopped and raised her head. Her eyes lighted up.

'' Really ? ''

He nodded.

'' Make it ready quickly. ''

She kept preparing the bomb. He glanced at the record on the old record player. Edith Piaf... He read the titles of the songs on the pocket. The only french word he thought he had understood was the one looking like its english equivalent, Hymne.

She was singing in french, a language he didn't know. By the way, he didn't understand anything about what the lyrics of her song. All he could understand was the sadness of the singer. With her trembling voice, it seemed she was about to burst in tears. Even the choir seemed to cry.

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