Ghosts of Hawkins - One Shot

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Eddie had never been a believer. Actually, he believed into nothing. Not into a god who ruled the skies, the earth and the humans, nor into creatures crouched in the darkest hours of the night who were on the look out for kids nor into other spiritual worlds. He was just a man who had lived his life as he wished and some day, would have to die.

In his past, he rubbed shoulders with death enough to know what happens when a heart stops beating in a chest. The body rotted. Insects and worms devoured flesh until only bones remained, which turned into dust blowed away by the wind. And what he could call ''soul'' returned to the void, the nothingness.

He knew the same fate would happen to him when he would die, but he couldn't help but be afraid. Void scared him, more than the pictures of Hell that priests tried to engrave in his mind. Eternal flames and extrem suffering sounded better for him than nothingness. It was a kind of eternal night without dreams, from which he could not wake up. No sensations, no thoughts, just nothing. And nothing was worse than nothing. He used to be certain of this.

But now, after he had seen Chrissy Cunningham, his crush of middle school, floatted in the air, been lifted against the ceiling, all her bones snapped one by one and her eyes pulled inside her skull by some invisible forces, he wasn't sure of anything. Monsters and some kind of forces superior to humankind might exist.

After he had heard about Eleven's psychic powers and the truth behing the missing of Will Byers, saw for himself the Upside Down and fought demoniac bats, he was ready to believe in anything. So, when he was agonizing on the ground, bleed dry by those demobats, he wasn't surprised to see an old and tall woman in black appearing behind Dustin. The Angel of Death...

'' Time has come, Edward Munson.''

'' I love you, man... ''

She came closer, kneed on his side and leaned over him.

'' I love you too... Eddie... ? ''

When her lips touched his, he felt like freed from his cold painful and tight corpse.

'' Eddie ? '' repeated Dustin.

He went out of it and could see Dustin crying over his former carnal envelopp. He checked himself. He could see his body unharmed. He could move. He could feel the ground under his feet.

'' Come on... Eddie ! ''

'' Dustin ? ''

He put his hand on his shoulder but it seemed the boy couldn't percieve him now. It was stranger to notice his hand could get through the living body. He was unsubstantial. Like a ghost, not in the same plan. He faced Death who handed him her hand.

'' Where are we going ? ''

'' You will see by yourself. ''

He looked back to his corpse. It would rot, be eaten and turn into dust. And what about him ? He would go into the void. Be sensations deprived, unable to think. The terrifying nothingness...

'' Come with me, Edward Munson. You pass through. ''

'' Where am I going ? ''

'' You pass through. ''

Why didn't She answer him ? That was annoying him.

'' No. I won't. I don't wanna go there.''

She stared at him, no emotion could be seen on her face. Could he really debate with the Reaper ?

'' May I stay... ? ''

He felt silly to ask this. How it could be possible. But since he left his body, he noticed that he could be there, have some sensations and think. He was a kind of ghost but it wasn't the nothingness which scared him. So, if he could choose...

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