That girl at the gig of Dio - One Shot

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Ronnie James Dio was a fucking metal legend. Elf, Rainbow, Black Sabbath and now his own band Dio. It was fucking absolutely out of the question for Eddie to miss his gig at Indianapolis during his summer vacation.

With his bandmates, Gareth, Jeff and Kurt, he rode his van, listening mixtapes of metal music during the travel. Arrived to the concert hall, they noticed the gig was full. That would be one of the best gig of their life. Ronnie James Dio and his bandmates were on the stage. Music was loud and fucking great. People was enjoying it.

The gig was well underway and they became thirsty. Kurt and Gareth located where the bar was.

'' Wanna something to drink, Eddie ? ''

'' A beer. ''

'' Me too. But now, I need to piss. I'll be back. '' said Jeff.

Eddie watched them walking away and caught sight of her. Among the crowd around him, a girl wearing a Slayer t-shirt, a black short leather skirt and booties, moving her body to the rhythm of the electric guitar, her strawberry blond untied hair waving. Pretty and sexy as fuck. He wasn't able to take his eyes away off her. Her blue eyes were on him too. She smiled when she noticed she had captured his attention.

She bit her bottom lip. She wove in and out among the spectators and made sure to invite him to follow her with a coquettish gaze. It wasn't that way he would think assisting to the gig but he rarely had a good way with girls. He couldn't refuse that opportunity. He followed her to the women toilets room. Nobody else was in the room, the noise of the gig was lower here. She was in the middle of the room, staring hungrily at him.

'' Hi. ''

'' Hi. '' She replied.

He searched what he could say to her.

'' I like your t-shirt. ''

He could have found something better. She giggled and stepped closer.

'' I like your hair. ''

She passed her hands through his hair and grinned.

'' So, you... ''

'' Do you wanna fuck ? '' She interrupted him.

He didn't expect that. A screw with her right away in this place. Quickly and well. He wondered if it was a joke, but she looked serious.

'' Uh... Yeah. ''

'' Great. ''

She kissed him wildly, leading him to a cubicle and locked the door. She was in a damn rush and her volcanic sexual desir turning him on. She pushed him against the wall, kneed on and unzipped his fly. Goddamn it ! She wasn't shy ! He pulled back her hair and stared at her eagerly sucking his cock. She could take it almost entirely in her warm and wet mouth. And her tongue... Her tongue was soft and nice.

She stood up, made him sit on the toilet bowl and got a condom out of a pocket of her skirt. She teared the wrapping with her teeth and put the condom on his dick. She quickly took off her skirt and her red thong and sat on his cock. She was like a tight and warm fist squeezing him.

'' Don't move. ''

'' What ? ''

She put her thong around his throat and pulled it, strangling him but not enough to make him collapse. He could still breath but not without difficulty. He put his hands on her body, the left grasped her ass and the right under her shirt. Her skin was soft and he found out she wasn't wearing a bra. When he caressed her breast, she pressed harder on his throat, choking him more. He could see flashes of light in his vision.

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