Inked onto my flesh - One Shot

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Laying on his bed, Eddie couldn't sleep. That wasn't the moonbeam filtrating betweem the broken blinds of his window which avoided him to sleep. Each time he closed his eyes, he saw her face, her strawberry blond curls tied in a ponytail, her twinky blue eyes, her glossy pink lips. He could hear her laughing. He couldn't get her out of his mind. He was mulling over the date with Chrissy Cunningham he had had hours ago.

When he had met her in the disc shop by sheer accident two days ago, he had proposed her a date . He hadn't thought she could say yes. He had always thought he was more likely to see little angels flying out of his ass than to date a girl like her. He had done it, saying to himself that he would have tried at least. And against the odds, she had said yes.

They had met at Scoops Ahoy. Chrissy had ordered a little vanilla milkshake while Eddie had chosen one of the improbable mixture in shape of a boat. At the beginning, it was a little embarassing. It was his first date from a long time. He did his best to hide his nervosity. They both had been looking each other in the eyes without saying a word. 

He wanted to know her but not with unoriginal questions. That was how their little game had started. Which dish she would choose if she only had to eat one for the rest of her life, would he rather be blind or deaf, the famous dead personnality with who she would like to talk, the historical period he would like to visit if he could time travel, her useless talent, his favorite movie line, etc.

It didn't matter if the truth was gross or ashame, they said it anyway and laughed about it. Finally, they had spent all the afternoon asking funny or irrealistic things. He had discovered how approachable, smart and funny she was, far from the stereotypical picture of the blond wacko superficial cheerleader from the movies. And he liked that.

Actually, he liked her. When her blue eyes were staring at him, he became dumber. He stammered, became clusmy. But even when he was doing shit, she was blissfully smiling at him. That girl was really awesome. He felt like his heart was falling in love.

Gradually, the questions and the discussion had become more serious. They had even exchanged some dark secrets. On his side, he confessed how he hated that everyone in the town was always associating him with his father rotting in jail. In their mouths, Munson sounded like an insult, as if being born with that name was already a crime. He couldn't shake this label off. Whatever he would do, he was sure that everyone would keep treating him like a freak or an outcast.

On her side, she felt prisoner of the expectations of her mother. She had to be perfect all the time. To be nice, polite, well-dressed, socially radiant, pretty and thin, to work hard at school, to do all what everyone expected of her without complaining. She couldn't choose anything without the approval of her mother. She felt she was living a life which wasn't hers.

He had never suspected she could be so unhappy in her life. He wanted to take care about her. He wanted to see her happy, really happy, even just one day. She looked to have fun with him, so he had proposed her to extend their date to the evening. And once again, she had accepted.

They had gone to the cinema of the Starcourt mall, bought pop-corn and debated which movie they would watch. Finally, they had chosen Back to the Future and laughed about the adventures of Marty and Doc in the past. There had been several embarassing moments when their hands touched themselves while they were trying to take pop-corn in the pack at the same time.

After the last screening, there weren't bus anymore. So he had taken her back to her home. In his van, in front of her house, they had both agreed they had spent a good time together. She had been staying in his van, smiling, waiting, quiet. There had been a little moment of hesitation, and...

Good night, Chrissy. 

And he had wished her a good night... That moment was lopping again and again in his mind. Fuck... What a chump ! He wanted to hit his face against the wall. He had wanted to kiss her. And he hadn't had the balls to do it. Pussy !

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