The Outsider - One Shot

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Everyone knew Eddie used to love fantasy stories. He had devoured the J. R. R. Tolkien's Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and dreamed about the greeny hills of the Shire and the rooms full of gold of Erebor. But he also used to love scary stories. He had shivered reading the dreadful and macabre atmosphere of Howard P. Lovecraft, wondering what would happen if the Great Old Ones and other monsters hidden in the deepth of the Earth manifested themself to humanity. Never he had thought becoming one of them.

As he could remember, he had been witness of the rapt of Chrissy Cunningham by demoniac creatures. Terrified about what he had seen, he had run away and all people in the town had made him the public enemy, believing he was a murderer. With Dustin, Steve, Nancy and Robin, he had gone to the Upside Down. Like the world which the meteor came from in Lovecraft's novel The Color out of space, it was a place what things weren't as they were here. He had helped to free the teenagers prisonners of Vecna and to escape from the darker version of Hawkins. He had bought time for them distracting the swarm of demobats, risking his own life. And he had finally fallen, bleed dry by them.

But after he had lost consciousness and had died in Dustin and Chrissy's arms, something strange had happened to him. He came back to life. His lungs could fill up again of toxic air and he felt cold and burning at the same time. His wounds on his belly had healed, only scars remained. His skin was pale, paler than it used to. When he saw his reflection on the mirror in his bedroom, he noticed his fangs had grown up and his pupils had turned in red. He looked like a vampire, not clearly dead, not really alive. He was no longer a human. A monster.

At first, he believed he was trapped in a some kind of cruel purgatory. But he understood it was reality. The Upside Down, demobats, Vecna or whatever it was, turned him into that thing. He couldn't ever return to the world like this. People used to fear him when he was just a freaky drug dealer. He couldn't even imagine their reaction now. Death could be a better fate than this. He wished it.

He tried to kill himself. He grabbed his spear and put the knife on his wrists. He felt no pain and the wound he had created in his flesh immediatly healed. He stabbed his chest and again, what he had expected didn't happen. Death wasn't an option. He was like the narrator of the story of The Outsider. He was condamned to a lonely and miserable immortal life, rejected by humans. Eddie the Banished in the Upside Down.

Wrath and despair overwhelmed him. He punched a car. It was clear that metal bended under his fists. He grabbed it and launched it in the air. Additional to his new invulnerability, he was stronger. What had happened to him ? What he could be able to do ? His new power was intoxicating him. He tested his new strength on objects more and more bigger, heavier than the former, until he could define his limits.

He heard someone calling for him. He recognized Chrissy and Steve's voices. He hid himself from their sights and spied them. With lamptorches, they were walking through the trailer park, looking for him.

'' I don't understand. He was there. ''

'' Are you sure ? ''

'' Corpses don't disappear like that, Steve. This is where we've left him... ''

Steve sighed. '' Chrissy, we should go back to Hawkins... ''

'' But... ''

'' I understand you want to help Mr Munson to do his mourning but Eddie's body isn't here. There's nothing to bury. Maybe a demogorgon or some demodogs have eaten him. Now, come. ''

She wanted give him funeral ? That was kind but finally, useless. He watched them leaving and wondered if other people than Wayne missed him. His friends from the Hellfire club, his band... It was an infinite sadness to aware nobody would ever say his name again.


Since when he was there ? Without sun and moon cycles, it was impossible to say it. Days ? Weeks ? He had not need to sleep anymore. He was boring, all alone in this other dimension. He remembered his guitar was still here. Music would maybe help him. He looked for it and found it where he left after he had done the best and most metal gigs ever. He noted his plectrum and one of his rings were missing. Did the boy steal its ? What was his name ? He began to play as he could with his fingers when he felt an unbearable pain in his stomach.

Intense hunger teared him apart from inside. He needed to eat something. He searched but every food in the Upside Down he found was rotted. He should go back to the real world. He passed through the portal and checked the kitchen of the deserted trailer he used to live. He tried cornflakes, cheese and a can of raviolis. But everything got him sick. So he waited the night there. When the night came, he went out and walked through the streets, looking for something to eat.

He had to not be seen. He was weaving in and out in the shadows. He searched into a restaurant's trashes but still nothing he could eat without puking up. No vegetables, no milk products and no dead meats could satisfy his unnatural hunger. He was starving and pain made him losing his sanity.

He was walking in the forest when he met a dog, its leash knotted to a tree. The dog was barking at him agressively. He stared at him and his new instincts commanded him to eat him. The dog stopped barking when it seemed to understand the stranger in front of him was a dangerous predator and tried to escape from its leash. Faster than the dog, he tackled him to the ground and ripped his throat apart with his fangs. He succombed to his savagery. Killing and eating brough him so much pleasure. Its flesh was good but something told him he could find better. And he was still hungry.

He was now in a middle-class neighborhood. All lights in the houses were turned off, except one. A room upstairs. He saw a tree next to the house and climbed easily on it. He looked through the window and watched a strawberry blond hair girl in her pajamas, her face tear-stained, laying on her bed,touching sadly a small and shinny metal object. His missing ring. He would like retrieve it but eat was his priority. He was so hungry...

She stood up and left the room. The window was opened. If he was quick, she would not notice his presence. He came in the room and took the ring. He was ready to leave when he heard her.

'' Eddie ? ''

He freezed, in front of her window.

'' Is that you ? ''

Her scent submerged all his senses. She smelled so good. Maybe she tasted like delicious, more than the mixed-breed dog he had killed before. Hunger was shouting him to feed on her. Eat her. Tear her to shreds !

'' I can't believe my ey... ''

She couldn't finish her sentence while he was grabbing her by her throat and pressed her against her bed. He could read terror in her eyes but he didn't care. He already drooled over, thinking about her flesh taste. He would devour her. She cupped his head and forced him to look her in her blue eyes. Tears ran on her cheeks.

'' Eddie... It's me... '' She whispered, his hand still on her throat, strangling her.

Her hands were softly brushing his face. Her lovely touch brough him back to reason.

'' Chrissy... ? ''

She nodded and sadly smiled to him. He looked away and found his reflects in her cheval glass. Holy shit ! He was threatful and frightening, with his big fangs, his red eyes and all the blood covering his mouth and his clothes.

Eddie released her, got away from her and fell on the floor. What had he done ? He was ready to kill her. He almost did it. He was a truly monster. He was in floods of tears when two soft hands cupped his head. Chrissy was sitting behind him and putting his head on her thighs. She caressed his head, singing a lullaby until he was appeased.

'' It will be fine... ''  

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