The dog - One Shot

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It wasn't late, but it was already the night. It was an autumnal foggy night, like another. Eddie was giving Chrissy a ride back to her house and then he would return to his trailer. They were coming from the house of Reefer Rick, after another hanky-panky session. Eddie and Chrissy were friends since the middle school. And for months, they had become lovers.

It had started during a party at his trailer, few days after the beginning of the summer break. They had been drinking and smoking weed, as usually. And then, there was a kiss, followed by giggles. Another kiss and another. And few minutes after, they were in his bed, naked, having a roll in the lay.

The next morning, he had felt guilty. Chrissy was barely sixteen years old, he was eighteen. He should have been more responsible and not let the things run their course. But he hadn't. They had never talked about sex before. He guessed she was virgin and he had stolen her first time. It had been a mistake. A mistake they wouldn't reiterate. But they had been doing it the week after under the effect of the drugs. And again and again, not always with alcohol in their blood. They couldn't resist to the tentation.

They had had to face the reality. They liked to sleep with each other. They were more than just friends. They agreed on the rules of their new friendship. No sex without condoms, he would make sure to always have some. It would be just sex and fun between them. They would benefit from the Reefer Rick's house. They would be discreet about their affair and 'Go out for a drive' would be their code to planify a rendezvous.

His friend's house was their little secret place. Private, away from prying eyes with a comfortable bed and a cozy bathroom. Having the keys of the house of a dealer friend in jail offered advantages. If the police forensic department would rummage through the house, they might find their DNA pretty much everywhere. On the furniture, the floor, the walls... They had even done it on the grass outside after a summer midnight swim in Lover's Lake. God, they were both out of control as friends and lovers !

He prefered like that. He had his habits with his conquests, one-night stands and fuck buddies. He did them at their home or at the back of his van, used to get dressed right after and left them quickly, even if he acted like a jerk. He didn't like to bring a girl in his bed. He didn't like the cuddles after sex. He didn't like to stay. He found this awkward.

He wasn't sentimental. He was cynic. Love was abstract for him. He loved girls but he didn't think he had ever been in love with one of them. He got bored easily. When he didn't like something about his partener, he couldn't see anything else. In general, his affair with a girl didn't pass more than three or four months.

He was a player. Not as the same level as Steve 'the Hair' Harrington, the cliché of the Prince Charming or Billy Hargrove, the stereotypical bad boy but his rebelious side and his musician skills seduced some girls and helped him to have casual sex. Nothing more. He didn't make promises, he was always clear about his intentions. His two latest girls he regurlarly saw were Michelle and Quinn. 

Of course, he didn't hang out with Chrissy only for sex. They were friends before having sex together. They kept spending time at cinema, the Palace arcade, the Family video, at the Hideout when his band had gigs, talking, acting like idiots and laughing as they used to. He could cancel his plans, whatever with his buddies or his girls, in order to be with her when she needed him. As his friend, she had a honored place in his life.

Usually, during the ride, she caressed his hand on the shift lever and humming the song of his mixtape played by his car stereo. But today, she didn't. And strangely, he missed it. He tried to grab her hand but she didn't let him do. She put her hand away, beyond his reach. He glanced at her. Fiddling her nails, she was looking the landscape by her window, avoiding his gaze, quiet. Why was she cold and distant with him like that ? Twenty minutes ago, she had been in his arms, cuddling up with him. He didn't understand. Was there something wrong ?

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