The Big Bad Wolf - Part Two

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Chuck... Fucking busybody... Why was he always sticking his nose into everyone's else business ? It wasn't the time. He needed to find a charade. He stood up, looked around and faced his collegue. He was aiming him with his gun. Fuck, if that dumb call the others or shoot with his gun, he was screwed. He showed his hands.

'' Chuck, I need you to calm down. '' he whispered calmly.

'' What the hell are you doing ? ''

He improvised. After all, a good lie was always based on a tiny truth, right ? He pointed the bomb.

'' We got a huge problem. I think it's a bomb. ''

Immediatly, Chuck started to panic.

'' What the- ''

'' Shut your mouth and listen to me ! '' he whispered in an agressive way.

Chuck glanced at the block of C4 behind Russell, visibly anxious. Russell kept talking lower.

'' I've just found it. It seems to be hand-crafted and unreliable, it could be unstable. I don't know how it works... Perhaps it might explode if we'd create interference with our walkie-talkies, do abrupt mouvements or speak too loud. ''

He was bluffing and Chuck was swallowing everything. That man wasn't the sharpest knife of the drawer. He put his gun in his holster. Russell stepped closer, he lowered his hands. He didn't want to waste a bullet for that guy and a brawl would take too much time. He saw Chuck's knife hung to his belt. Good...

'' Our first priority is to not a create a panic reaction. Okay ? ''

Chuck nodded. Russell could see drops of sweat dripping on his forehead.

'' Calmly, without running, we're gonna go upstairs, join the others and warn them. Okay ? We're gonna evacuate the building without panic the kids. And after that, we'll warn the bomb-disposal experts. They'll know what to do with that thing, okay ? ''

While he was speaking, he kept coming closer to Chuck. When he was close enough, he put his hand on his shoulder.

'' Breathe deeply. ''

Chuck nodded and blindly obeyed.

'' It's gonna be okay. '' Russell reassured him.

In a flash, Russell stole his knife and stabbed him to the guard under the jaw. He could see the blade deeply stuck inside his mouth. Chuck tried to scream. But the only sounds which came out his mouth were the characteristic gargles of someone chocking, with his own blood. His blood was running on Russell's hand and staining their uniforms. He pulled out the blade and Chuck fell on the ground, trying to desperately stop the bleeding and breathe.

'' Thank for your help, Chuck. You've been very useful. ''

Very quickly, he became quiet and died. Russell smiled. Chuck hadn't fired a shot, nor called anyone. He had managed to not be noticed but he had lost time. And he had blood on him. He checked his watch. Fuck, it would begin soon. He had to hurry up now.

He had to find the boy. He headed towards the story of the experimentations, where were jailed the kids. Above his head, he heard the first explosion. The ceiling shook and he saw dust falling. He kept walking without jumping. The alarm system turned on. A shrill siren rang out. It had begun.He ran in the stairs. With his swipe card, he entered in the area.

His walkie-talkie crackled and he heard his former colleagues discussing via their devices.

'' Duke ! Chuck ! Elijah ! Cooper ! What's happening ? ''

'' I don't know ! '' Duke answered.

Russell didn't answer. He kept walking and glanced at his watch.

'' Something exploded in the gun room. '' Elijah finally said, coughing.

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