Puppy - Part Two

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She pushed her teddy bears out of her bed, to free some place for him. He put his clothes back on the radiator. She gave him the sweater and he put it on. But very quickly he took it off. He couldn't bear it. The wool itched him.

'' Sorry. ''

'' Never mind. And don't worry. I'm not cold. ''

He gave her back the sweater. Indeed, she could notice the fabric of the collar was itchy. It didn't cost anything to try. She threw it on her laundry basket.

'' Well... Uh... Do you know the rules of Crazy Eights ? ''

Meanwhile her father would be back, she wanted to take his mind off things. He shook his head. She carefully walked to her toybox, looked for her deck and sat on her bed.

'' It's not complicated. It's played with a deck of fifty two cards. ''

She taught him the rules, explaining the role of each card. When she had done, they did a game for peanuts. She wanted to be sure that he had understood the rules. He didn't win that game but he had understood how to play. They could play seriously, for winning.

They did games one after another. And he won several times. He was smart and observant, an impressive opponent. However, she suspected he cheated sometimes.

'' Oh dear ! I want my revenge ! ''

'' As you wish, sore loser. ''

He stuck his tongue out. She gathered up the cards, mixed and dealt them.

'' I'm gonna crush you this time, show-off ! ''

They faked arguements about his undeserved victories, the way he got too big for his boots, her bad sport side and her bad faith and laughed together, as the kids they were. During their game, he seemed to forget the constant menace of his father over his head. He looked happy, really happy for the first time.

He was showing more and more signs of tiredness, regularly yawning and his lids seemed to be heavy. He was fighting against sleep.

'' You okay ? ''

'' Yeah... I'm just... A little tired. ''

'' Do you want to rest a little ? ''

She could offer him a little time of rest and comfort meanwhile her father would be back. Her bed was big enough for two and he seemed to need this. Running away hadn't given him a lot of chances to sleep in a bed and to wear dry clothes.

She saw he still had the hammer in the pocket on his pants.

'' You don't need this here. Nobody will harm you, I swear it. ''

Her house was a safe place. He could drop his guard here and have some peace and quiet. He put it on her night table and lay on her bed.

'' Thank you. ''

'' You're my Puppy. I keep watch over you. '' she winked.

He shyly smiled. She covered his body with her sheets and the comforter. She looked at him. He was nice, funny, sweet and cute. She liked him. She smiled. The funny sensation she had felt in her stomach came back, but it was more intense. She felt tickling from inside. She wanted to kiss him. She jumped in and gave him a smack on the lips. That was funny and pleasant.

'' Good night, Puppy. ''

She felt her heart strongly beating in her chest. He was as red as a beetroot. He turned back around and pulled the sheets on his face. She giggled. She didn't know he could be shy like that.

'' Good night, Chrissy... ''

She grabbed her music box, opened it and let the lullaby soothe him. He wasn't slow to fall asleep. When she was sure he was sleeping, she closed it and put it inside her bedside drawer. She got out her private journal and a pen and wrote a summary of her day, the party, the storm... She gave a bigger paragraph to the boy who was sleeping beside her and their kiss. Her first kiss...

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