Scandalous - One Shot

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Chrissy was tired. She didn't have along and peaceful night. Perhaps she had been sleeping three hours, maximum four. She was taking notes of the lesson. However, she waslistening without trying to understand the mechanism of the chemistry phenomenon the teacher was explaining.

Her thoughts were monopolized by the memories of her previous night, the little but delightful pain she felt between her legs and the presence of the object of her fantasy, sitting at the left of the table didn't help her to focus on the lesson.

She glanced at him. Eddie was half-sleeping, his head on his arm as if he was deeply thinking while he faked to write with his other arm. A smart stratagem to discreetly sleep in class. He hadn't slept enough either.

She giggled. Would they end up like those rats to which scientists had put electrodes in the brain, pressing non-stop a button to recieve electric stimulations in their reward system, letting themselves starve to death ? Maybe but...That wasn't their fault.

The contact of their skin, the pleasure, the moanings, always discovering some tricks about the other's body, the passion, to feel the other having a ball, all was addictive. They couldn't help but desire each other and sex was too good to go without. Last night, they had even set a new record.

Three, three times in one night. That was hard work ! At this rhythm, they were rising Durex's shares at Wall Street all alone. They were just enjoying their youthful ardor. They would have all the time to rest when they would be dead.

All had began with an intimate evening for two. They had been just making some waffles in the kitchen of the trailer. Chrissy couldn't remember how all of it had taken a lustful turn, implicating some chocolate, whipped cream and maple syrup in their sexual games. A real roman orgy as a couple.

After they had came back down to Earth, they had bursted in laugh. How had they got there, naked, both covered by food, roughly fucking on the floor ? They had erased all the proofs of their debauchery in the room and run in the bathroom to clean themselves.

But passion hadn't left them. Under the shower, they had been kissing, playing to titillate each other with a mix of cuddles and sensual touches. It was just the beginning of a second noisy round they had kept going on in his room.

And at around 4 am, seeing as she wasn't sleeping, she had woken him up with a blowjob and they had done it again, in spooning. They had fallen asleep after, but when his alarm clock had rung, it had been very hard to leave the bed, be prepared and go to highschool. However, it was a very good night. Exhausting with all that bedroom gymnastics but very good. The kind of night she wanted to experience again...

She wrote on the margin of her notebook and nudged Eddie. He opened his eyes and read her message.

Can't help
about it

He smiled, checked if the teacher was looking in their direction and added under.

About our
porn stars
pseudos ?

It had been very hard to not burst in laugh in the middle of the class. However, she couldn't help but blissfully smile. She hid it behind her hand and whispered :

'' No, you idiot. ''

They hadn't noticed Wayne was back home during the night. While it was the third time they had been screwing, Eddie's uncle had knocked on the wall and yelled at them to have some peace. Wayne had even saddled them with a new nickname : the Porn Stars. That was embarassing and funny at the same time.

She regained her composure and wrote.  

Can't wait
to do it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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