March, 21th '86 - Part One

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Chrissy opened her eyes. She was in her bed, in her room. Everything seemed normal but she had a strange and bad feeling. She couldn't tell what but she was sure something was wrong. Something was wrong...

Suddenly, she felt an abrupt movement inside her, in her stomach. When she looked down, she could see her belly was swollen, as if she was eight or nine months pregnant. What the hell was that ? She wasn't pregnant. She lifted the bottom of her T-shirt and discovered her belly.

What was that horror ? Through the thin layer of skin, she could clearly discern something moving inside her. It had long and bony limbs, four fingers with sharp claws to his abnormal hand. It turned its disformed skull to her and two big glowing eyes without lids were staring her. She heard a screeching from inside her and her belly deformed. That monster was pushing and tearing her stomach, making his way out by himself, trying to go out her body by force. She couldn't help but scream.

She woke up with a start, sweating. She took a little time to figure out what had happened and breathe. She checked her belly, it was still flat. No creepy alien baby was living inside her. Oh God... It was a nightmare. She sighed.

She laid down. She felt tired. She wanted to rest a little more. She checked her alarm clock on her bedside. Fuck... It was too late to hope to sleep again. Her alarm clock would ring in five minutes. She hated her little brother. The next time Lewis would talk about alien abduction stories, she would have his guts for garters.

She stood up, brushed her hair and tied it with a scrunchie. Suddenly, she remembered she had forgotten to take her pill before going to bed. Oops... She swallowed the pill and checked the packet. She was about have her periods soon, Sunday or Monday. Great, let's go for the feared five days of the month. Her periods were always very painful and more hemorrhagic than the average, she could even faint the worst days. Be a woman sucked...

She put on sports underwear and her tracksuit. She used to run a half hour with Lady after the breakfast every morning. Well, when she didn't feel any stomachache or backache. She went down stairs. A sweet odor of bread pudding in the kitchen made her stomach gurgle. She was starving. She greeted her parents and sat at the table for the breakfast. She was serving herself a third slice when her mother took her wrist, with a beaming smile.

'' Two are enough, sweetheart. ''

She sighed. From the morning, her mother criticized her behind her perfect smile. Chrissy put down the third slice and offset with more fruits. An apple and a banana... She ate her food and drank her glass of orange juice, half-listening her parents talking.

She quickly passed in the toilet to pee. She went in the bathroom, washed her hands and brushed her teeth. Then, she joined Lady in the garage. The Dobermann was half-sleeping in her basket with her toys.

'' Lady ! '' she called.

Lady stood up and greeted her excitedly. As usual, the bitch was always happy to see her. Chrissy got down on her knees and hugged her, scratching her ears and her neck.

'' That's my girl ! Ready for a run ? ''

She kissed her forehead, hooked the leash to her collar, put her shoes on and together, went out the house.

In Poplar tree Street, they met Mr Malone with Pearl, his Golden Retriever bitch. Immediatly, Lady pricked up her ears, started to growl and bark, showing herself agressive, making nervous the man and his dog. She drew on the leash but Chrissy held her bitch firmly.

'' Lady, stop it. ''

Obeying her order, the bitch calmed down. After the brief customary courtesy with them, Chrissy and Lady could continue their usual running tour. They used to go in the forest behind the neighborood and run around three miles.

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