A new player - One Shot

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Against all odds, Chrissy the Queen Cunningham and Eddie the Freak Munson were friends. They had bits of fun and private jokes which only them could understand. They had been spending time together, hanging out in town, sharing the summary of their days.

Sometimes, when he was listening her tales about all the scandals of the cream of Hawkings High, he felt to watch some daytime soap opera and couldn't help but laugh. When he was relating her the adventures the Hellfire Club had lived, he could see her smiling, captivated.

Chrissy was more open-minded than the other popular seniors. She used to ask him questions about his Dungeons and Dragons club. Were they disguised for playing ? How long they played ? Why wasn't any girl in their club ? Once, Chrissy confessed she would like to try to play with them, out of curiosity.

During days after that, he thought about it and created a little initiation scenario, apart from his campain The Cult of Vecna. He didn't know if she liked horror story like he did. So, he would spare her gory and fearful details. It would be an easy initiation, lighter and more peaceful than he used to do. When he had done, he asked to his friends if they would agree to take part in an initiation game with her. They had accepted, with more or less enthusiasm, and set a date with her. Cheerleaders were very busy.

It was the D-day. The first steps of Chrissy in a roleplay game. After the last period of class, he led her to the room where the magic acted. His friends were already here, sitting at their usual place.

'' Gentlemen, let me introduce you Chrissy Cunningham, our guest for tonight. ''

Chrissy waved to them, with a shy ''Hi guys. '' He went around the table introducing his friends.

'' So, we have Dustin the Bard. ''

Dustin gave her a welcoming smile.

'' Mike the Paladin. ''

'' Are you gonna do this for all of us ? '' Asked Mike, rolling his eyes.

Eddie flipped him the bird and kept going.

'' Jeff the Fighter and Gareth the Barbarian. ''

'' Like... Conan the Barbarian ? '' Asked Chrissy.

'' Yeah. And Peter the Sorcerer. ''

She nodded, like she was trying to remember all those first informations.

'' And you ? Who are you ? ''

'' Uh... I'm not a player like them. I'm the Dungeon Master. ''

'' Who send us waves of monsters. '' Added Peter.

'' So we play against you ? ''

'' Uh... It's more complicated. I'm the narrator, the referee and the director of the adventure. You are kind of the characters of a movie but I let you choices and we create the story together. ''

He invited her to take a seat between Dustin and his easy chair. After she sat on her chair, Eddie did the same on his throne and got out of his bag all the kits he needed.

'' So, how we play ? ''

'' At first, we're gonna create the character you'll play. Have you already an idea about what you want to be ? ''

'' What I want to be ? I can be someone else than me ? ''

'' You can be everything you want in this world. '' answered Dustin.

'' Really ? ''

It seemed she needed an example.

'' Look Gareth, he doesn't look like much. But in D&D, his Barbarian is a war machine. ''

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