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~Pregnancy Countdown: 5 weeks~

Luz jumps onto the bed she shared with her wife, pulling the purple-haired witch into her arms. "Welp, it's official." She says, nuzzling her face into Amity's neck. Amity giggles softly. "Was that the last one?"

Luz nods. "Yup. With that last box, we are OFFICIALLY moved in!" She pumps a fist in the air. "And it only took a month!"

Amity rolls her eyes. "It might have gone a bit faster if you had let me help." She says, crossing her arms. Luz chuckles, "I would've loved to have your help, if Baby would let you." She says, gently hovering a hand over Amity's stomach. "Can I...?"

Amity nods, and Luz rests her hand on Amity's stomach. "I swear, I love this baby, but they really don't like you doing things. Like shifting in bed to make yourself more comfortable, or stretching when you wake up from a nap."

"Or breathing." Amity jokes. Luz nods. "Exactly! They're so demanding!" she jokes back. Amity laughs. "I guess that healer wasn't lying when they said pregnancy would be hard." she says, placing her hand on top of Luz's. Luz raises a brow at her. "For some reason, I don't think this is what they meant."

Amity rolls her eyes. "As long as Baby is healthy, I can put up with it." She says. Luz cups her cheek. "Honestly, I'm kind of amazed with how fearless you are. You've done things I could never do." She says, slowly climbing on top of the abomination witch.

"Pfft. Yeah right!" Amity says, wrapping her arms around Luz's neck. "You going soft on me, Noceda?"

Luz chuckles, pressing her forehead against Amity's. "In your dreams."

Amity pulls Luz into a kiss, which the human returns. Luz's hands make their way to Amity's hips, while Amity finds her hands running through the latina's hair. Suddenly, Luz pulls away. "Ami, I just had the best idea ever!" She says. Amity sighs with a soft smile. "Luz, for the last time, someone's already made grippy socks."

Luz rolls her eyes. "Not that, though I would like to circle back to that idea." She says and Amity rolls her eyes. "I'm talking about a housewarming party."

"A housewarming party?" Amity asks. Luz nods excitedly. "Yes. A party where we invite our family and friends over. To help make our house feel like a home."

Amity crosses her arms. "Is this just because you miss everyone and want to see them?" She asks. "Psssh! No!" Luz says. "This is because I want to show off how awesome we decorated, with the help of Ed and Em."

"Uh-huh..." Amity says, laughing. Luz gives her puppy eyes, knowing full well that Amity couldn't refuse her.

Amity sighs. "Alright. We can throw your housewarming party." She says. Luz's face lights up. "Really?"

Amity nods. "Yes, as long as there's some kind of juice there. I've been craving it." She says. Luz nods quickly, leaving a kiss on Amity's cheek. "Awesome! Thank you Hermosa!" She says excitedly, letting out a large gasp. "Oh! I gotta plan that!" She starts to get out of bed.

"Wait, right now?" Amity asks softly. Luz looks at her. "Yeah. The sooner we plan it, the sooner we can have it." she says, "B-but... we were about to-" Amity stammers a bit. Luz raises a brow at her, and the purple-haired witch sighs. "Nevermind. Do you need help, or can I take a nap?"

Luz smiles. "You can take a nap. If you want, I'll do my planning here while you sleep." She suggests. Amity nods. "Yes please."

~3 Days Later~

The party was in full swing. The families came to see them. Everyone was having fun. Well... almost everyone...

Amity Noceda was standing on her own in a corner while everyone else had fun. It's not that she didn't want to join, but her stomach was killing her. Maybe it was the juice. Maybe it was the food. Maybe she had just been standing around too long.

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