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~Pregnancy Countdown: 19 Weeks (4 ¾ months)~

As Amity gets further along in her pregnancy, the less she wants to do. Which means that her and Luz's families are scrambling to spend time with the two of them, since they'll be busy with a baby in a few months' time.

"Sorry Eda." Luz says, holding her scroll in her hand while getting ready to leave. "Emira asked us to come over days ago. But I promise we'll come see you guys on my next day off."

"Kid, you spend so much time with the Blights. And King keeps complaining that he misses you."

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's hard to divide time equally between both families. Especially when the baby is constantly giving Amity a hard time. But tell King we'll come over in a few days."

"Alright Kid. We'll see you then."

"See you then. Love you guys. Bye."

Luz hangs up the phone, sighing softly as she grabs her keys. "Ams, are you ready?" She calls out. Amity steps into the room wearing a gray hoodie and a pair of jeans. "Yup. Just gotta get my shoes."

Luz nods. "Want some help?" she asks, grabbing her jacket from the couch. Amity shakes her head. "No thanks, I got it." Amity says, sitting on the couch and putting on her shoes with a bit of struggle. Luz smiles. "Here, let me help you." She kneels in front of Amity. "No, I can do it." Amity whines.

"I know you can, but we're running late." Luz says, helping her with her shoes. "And if we're super late, Emira will be mad at us."

Amity pouts. "I know. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep in." she says. Luz ties Amity's shoes, looking up. "Don't apologize. You were tired. That's why I told you to take a nap." She smiles, sitting next to her wife. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I'm sorry."

Amity pulls Luz into a hug. Luz responds by wrapping her arms around the witch, smiling. "I love you." "I love you too."

They pull away. "Now, are we ready?" Luz asks, standing up. "I think so. You have the keys, right?" Amity asks. Luz looks around. "Keys, keys. Where did I put the keys?"

Luz frantically searches around the living room for the keys. "Luz, is that them in your hand?" Amity asks. Luz stops and looks at her hand. Sure enough, the keys were there. The latina laughs sheepishly, looking at her wife. "I guess I put them there."

Amity giggles, leaving a small kiss on Luz's cheek. "Let's just go." she says. Luz nods. "Yes ma'am!"

Together, they lock up the house and begin the walk to Blight Manor with their fingers interlaced.

"You know we can always see our nose, but our brains just choose to ignore it?" Luz asks suddenly, touching the tip of her nose with her free hand. Amity looks at her with a small smile present on her face and a slight quiver of her lip, signifying that she was holding in laughter.

"What?" Luz asks confusedly, tilting her head slightly. Amity just shakes her head. "You're cute."

Amity keeps walking, lightly pulling Luz along. Soon they arrive at Blight Manor. Amity knocks on the door, and they're met with a frantic-looking Edric.

"Oh great, you're here! Help me!" He says, hiding behind the two. Emira chases him in a circle around Luz and Amity before he runs back in the house.

"Get back here Ed!" She yells, running after him again. Luz watches the scene with a puzzled look. "Huh?"

Amity shrugs, leading Luz inside. "It could be anything, honestly." she says. "Emira once chased him through the house because he ate the last ice cream."

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