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It took a few days for Luz and Amity to fully calm down after the events with Alexa. Luz didn't want Amity to leave her side, and Amity wanted to tear Alexa apart. But now, things are pretty much back to normal. The two love each other even more (if that was even possible).

Currently, Amity is at work. Which is perfect, since it gives Luz time to surprise her by doing ALL the chores that she was going to do when she got home.

Luz starts by cleaning up the living room. Making sure the shelves were dust-free. Washing the blankets on Ghost and Eggy's beds. Fixing the pillows and cushions on the couch after the 'rough' morning she and Amity had.

Yup, things were definitely back to normal for them.

Right as Luz was about to move on to the kitchen, she hears a knock on the front door. Confused, she walks and answers. She smiles as she spots her younger illusionist friend standing.

"Luz-ifer! Luz-teban! E-Luz-abeth! Any of those workin' for ya?" Gus asks, leaning against the frame of the door. Luz slaps a hand over her mouth, a devilish smile on her face. "Is this your first Bi panic?"

"Heh heh heh... I wasn't doing a good job of hiding that, huh?"

Luz laughs a bit, stepping out of the way to let him in. "Come. Enter." She says. Gus steps inside the house.

"Now, follow Luzura into the kitchen. You can tell her all about your troubles there." Luz says, shutting the door. Her and Gus make their way to the kitchen. Gus sits in a stool by the counter while Luz starts cleaning.

"Go ahead and start. I'm just gonna clean up a bit." Luz says. Gus takes a deep breath. "Okay, I think I did something really dumb."

"As a bisexual does." Luz says. "What'd you do?"

"I asked Matty on a date."

Luz proceeds to choke on air.

"For real?! You're not joking me right now."

"I swear, I'm not joking you!"

Luz laughs. "Dude, that's awesome!" She says. Gus groans. "No it's not! I have no idea what to do on a date!"

"Wait, haven't you been on dates with him before?" Luz asks, taking a small break from chores. Gus nods. "Well, kind of. Most of them were either Game Nights with my dad, or Races against his brother... and something tells me he won't want to do either of those this time around." he pauses. "And you seem to be good at dating, considering you convinced Amity to marry you."

Luz snickers, raising a brow at him. "You know, if you're trying to ask me for help, you're doing a great job." She says sarcastically.

"Luz, now isn't the time for jokes! I need hellllllllllp!" Gus whines, laying his head on the counter. Luz sighs. "Alright, fine. I'll help you. On one condition." she says. Gus perks up. "Yes! Anything!"

Luz smirks. "Amity and I come with you guys."

Gus's smile drops. "Heh?"

Luz continues. "Amity and I haven't had a proper date night since..." she stops and thinks. "... before the wedding! Damn, how did I let that slide? Anyway, I have the perfect Idea for a double date. One where I get to take my wife on a romantic night out, and play wingperson if you need me to."

Gus thinks about it. "Alright," he sighs, "I'm in. Where are we going?"

~A few days later~

"Human Realm Trip!" Luz cheers, pulling the portal key out of her pocket. Currently She, Amity, Gus, and Matt stand outside the Owl House as the sun sets over the Isles. Luz pushes the eye on the key, and the door appears in front of them. With another push, the door opens. On the other side, they could see rain. Amity gasps in delight. "Luz! It's human-raining!" She says excitedly. Luz chuckles a bit. "I can see it, Ami." she turns to Gus and Matt. "You guys ready ?"

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