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~Pregnancy Countdown: 8 Weeks (2 months)~

GIRL'S DAY! The day where Luz and Amity spend all of their time with Willow, as a little hangout. And since they found out that Willow has had a lot of work stress, it seemed like the perfect time to have a mental health day.

Apparently, though, a Mental Health Day for Willow is asking any and all questions pertaining to Amity and her pregnancy. Now, Amity didn't usually like talking about herself like this. But seeing Willow's smile was enough to make it worth it.

The three sit on the couch in Willow's apartment, just talking. Willow then thinks of what was probably the millionth question. "What's the weirdest craving you've had?" She asks curiously. Amity doesn't even hesitate. "The food we ordered AN HOUR AGO!"

Usually, Amity was pretty patient. However, since becoming pregnant, she finds her patience running thinner and thinner. Her friends like to joke that this is how they know the baby is Luz's.

Willow laughs. "Yeah, this'll be the last time I order from that place." she says. Amity laughs. "I'm just joking. Even though I am hungry." She then takes a moment to think. "I've been really craving this weird Human food that Luz made a few years ago." She says. Luz looks at her confused. "Which one? How long did it take me to make?"

Amity thinks for a moment. "I think it was about 2 or 3 hours?" she says. Luz thinks of what she could've possibly made that would take that long. "Tacos?"

Amity nods quickly. "Yes!" she says. Luz chuckles. "Babe, why didn't you tell me? I would've made them for you." Luz says. Amity whines softly. "I forgot what they were called..." Luz wraps her arms around Amity. "Don't worry, Love. I'll make them for you later this week."

"Promise?" Amity asks, leaning her head on Luz's shoulder. Luz nods, kissing her forehead. "I promise."

"Awww. You two are adorable together." Willow says. Luz and Amity blush, Luz chuckling nervously.

"No, I mean it." Willow says, hearing a knock on the door and getting up to answer it. "You two have been completely in love with each other from the get-go. Not many people can say that." She continues, after returning with the food they had ordered.

"I wouldn't say completely..." Luz says. "She hated me for a bit in the beginning."

Amity starts to get flustered. "I was young and stupid back then! I'm older and slightly less stupid now!"

The couple starts to laugh, while Willow heads into the small kitchen to heat up the food that was cold. When the food was piping hot again, she returns to the couch. "Honestly, I personally think that every couple should strive to be like you guys." she says, setting the food on the coffee table. "You've had your fair share of issues, but you talk them out and work through them. And no matter how hard things get, at the end of the day you'd do just about anything for each other. A lot of couples in this day and age just don't have that dedication. And I feel like that's why a lot of them don't last."

The room falls silent. After a few moments, the sound of sniffles come from Amity's direction. Luz and Willow both turn their attention to the lavender-haired witch, only to find her crying. They both rush to comfort her. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I was just rambling! I didn't mean to make you cry!" Willow instantly begins to apologize. Luz pulls Amity close, attempting to comfort her. As Amity opens her mouth to speak, her scroll rings. Seeing a contact she didn't recognize, she hesitantly answers, putting it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Amity Blight!" her mother's voice shouts. The three flinch from the volume. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?!"

Amity thinks for a moment. "That's not my name."

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