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~Pregnancy Countdown: 6 Weeks (1 ½ months)~

Luz knocks on the door to Blight Manor, her wife by her side. When a frantic-looking Emira answers the door, both Luz and Amity look at the older girl in shock. Emira pulls them inside.

"Okay, you two. We don't have much time. Ed's 'new' girlfriend will be here LITERALLY any minute." she says, trying to smooth out her hair. "Okay...?" Amity says in a questioning tone. "So what do we need to do?" Luz asks.

"If you guys could help in the kitchen, that'd be great. Ed's trying to cook again." Emira says. Amity chuckles. "Really?"

"Listen, if he was a good cook, there wouldn't be a problem. We're trying to make this girl like us, not kill her." Emira says, pulling out the rubber band holding her braid together before she starts to re-braid it.

"Is his cooking that bad?" Luz asks. "Ehhhhh..." Amity says. "It depends. He's really good at mixing drinks and stuff, but when it comes to actual cooking..."

"His cooking is like a dumpster fire. Except you're less likely to die in a dumpster fire." Emira says.

"So, we know that she's coming. Do we know when?" Amity asks, as Alador enters the room. However, none of the girls pay attention to him. "Uh..." Emira checks the time. "She should be here any minute."

Alador raises a brow. "Who are you three talking about?" He asks, leaning against the doorway into the kitchen. Emira adjusts her bracelets. "Ed's new girlfriend. She's coming over for dinner tonight to meet everyone." She explains.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Edric shouts from the kitchen. "Yeah, that's why you kissed her the other day." Emira rolls her eyes. "She tripped! I was just catching her." Edric defends himself. Emira scoffs. "You know Ed... usually when people trip, they're the ones who fall forward!"

No reply.

Emira snickers, being proven right once again. "So we're eating on a girl?" He asks. Emira nods. "Does she by chance have blue hair, brown eyes, little bit of freckles?" He asks. Emira nods. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Oh, she's in the backyard." Alador says. Cue the silence from the Blight sister. "Excuse me?"

Alador nods. "Yeah. She showed up earlier, introduced herself, we got to talking about the Abomatons I make, and now she's outside."

Luz snorts. "Knowing her, she's probably fighting it." She says, her and Amity watching the scene in front of them with the biggest grins on their faces.

"Okay, well how long has she been here?" Emira asks her father, who shrugs and says "I dunno. About an hour?"

Luz and Amity both snicker as Emira's right eye begins to twitch aggressively. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?!" She whines.

"You've been stressing this all day. You're going to end up scaring her off." Alador says. "Yeah Em, you need a massive chill pill." Edric says, poking his head through the doorway. "Chill, it's not like I'm asking her to marry me."

Emira sighs. Amity chuckles. "I can see where she's coming from." she speaks up. "We want her to leave here with the same feelings that she had for you when she arrived. Which, being totally honest, does not seem very probable." "Hey!" Edric whines. Luz laughs. "I'm sure she didn't mean it like that. Right babe?"

"Oh no. I absolutely meant it like that." Amity says. Emira snickers while their brother pouts. "Don't be like that Ed."

Edric huffs. "My sisters have no faith in me. She could totally end up falling for me." he says. Luz raises a brow. "Hold on, I'm confused. Are you dating her or not?"

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