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A few days after the party, Luz and Amity weren't in the best of moods.

Alexa had been apprehended not long after she escaped from the party. And she had been held in one of the cells in the CATs HQ basement since. Until they all could determine the proper way to punish her, they were forced to keep a close eye on her.

Now, Luz and Amity sit in the office with the Twins, Hunter, Lillie, and Darius. The group sits in silence, except for the occasional awkward cough from Hunter.

"So, um... what are we waiting for?" Hunter asks. Lillie sighs. "We're waiting for BB to get here so Darius can chew me out for something that most likely wasn't my fault."

"This is a disciplinary meeting. We need to make sure someone is held responsible for the transgressions Alexa has committed while she was employed here." Darius says, massaging his temple.

"Can't we hold her accountable? No one forced her to act like that." Amity says, holding Luz's hand under the table.

"If not her, then can the guilty party be the person who said we weren't allowed to fire her?" Luz shoots an annoyed glare in the former Coven Head's direction. Darius clears his throat. "We'll decide all of that when the Leader arrives." he says.

Lillie rolls her eyes. "Wow, way to dodge accountability."

"I am not dodging accountability!"

"Really?! Because the way I see it, we could've had this dealt with MONTHS ago already. But you decided to make things difficult! Now we're here." Lillie says, getting a bit heated. Edric stops her by putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Both of you, stop!" Hunter says. Darius and Lillie cross their arms, turning away from one another. "We'll settle this when the Boss gets here!"

Amity raises a brow. "What's the deal with this 'Boss'?" she whispers to Luz. Luz leans closer to her. "Big Boss is the founder of CATs HQ. The reason me, Hunter, Lil, and the office team have jobs. The person who signs our paychecks. So they're pretty important."

"Ah. But then why haven't I met them yet? If they're so important, shouldn't they be at events like that party?" Amity asks. Luz nods. "That's because they don't like being the center of attention. They run the group from behind the scenes. More often than not, Lil speaks on their behalf."

Suddenly, the door opens. Lillie and Darius both sit up straight in their seats. The rest turn towards the door and see the Boss standing there.

"Hehe... Did you start without me?"

The Siblings all stare in shock.


Raine chuckles nervously. "That's my name, don't wear it out." They quickly make their way to the shelf on the far side of the room, grabbing a small gavel before taking their seat between Lillie and Darius. "The meeting can begin now." They say, banging the gavel against the table.

"I'm so confused." Amity mumbles. "Someone please explain how Raine runs this whole operation if they're never here."

Raine clears their throat. "I run everything from the comfort of home. That way, I get to spend time with Eda and not have to talk to..." They shudder "..people..." deep breath in. "I only get called in for meetings like this one."

"The only problem is that they're incredulously biased." Darius mumbles under his breath. Raine sighs. "Darius, we've been over this. I am not biased. You just have trouble admitting when you're wrong."

Edric and Emira snicker, watching Darius's face morph into one of anger.

"Can we please just get this over with?"

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