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~1 Week Later~

The sounds of a crying baby wakes Amity from her slumber. She slowly sits up, rubbing her eyes. She glances over at her wife, who lay still. "Well, duty calls." she says to herself, climbing out of bed. Luz groans. "Wait, I'm coming with you." she says. Amity sighs. "Babe, you don't have to. Besides, if we don't hurry and calm Emmy down, she's gonna-" Amity is cut off when the screaming of another infant rings throughout the house. "... wake Luka."

Luz sighs, climbing out of bed. "Luka tricked us. She made us think Parenting was easy." she says, walking toward the door. Amity sighs, following her. "Remember, Emmy's only been home for a few days. It's an adjustment for all of us."

"Yeah, I'm adjusting to not having a baby sleep through the night on her own." Luz says, as she and Amity walk out of the room towards the Nursery. Amity sighs. "Yeah, but Luka only started doing that recently. And like I said, Emilyn's only been home for a few days." she says, as they slowly open the door to their daughter's room.

"I'll take Luka, you take Emmy?" Luz suggests. Amity nods. "Sounds like a plan."

And so, they got to work.

Two bottles and changed diapers later, the babies continue crying loudly.

"Darn it. Why won't they go back down?" Luz asks, rhetorically. Amity sighs. "Well, bouncing isn't working. Maybe a lullaby?"

"Great, so do we know any lullabies?" Luz asks. Amity thinks. "What about the one you sang to them before? Why don't you sing that one?" she says. Luz blushes. "But I'm not that good at singing."

"Luz, just do it."

Luz takes a deep breath...

You know

Luz nods. "Yup. With that last box, we are OFFICIALLY moved in!" She pumps a fist in the air.

Doesn't matter where we go

"By the way, I couldn't help but notice that you're pregnant." Alexa says, before adding "I hope that hasn't put any sort of strain on your guys' marriage. After all, a lot of people cheat on their pregnant spouses."

You can count on me staying

Luz stays silent for a moment. And then... they both start laughing

Rain or shine it won't break us

After a quick kiss, Luz leaves for the guest room.

The one they planned to turn into a nursery.

That's how it's supposed to be

In reality, Luz had told the story countless times. But the way her eyes lit up with every detail was enough for Amity to listen to it every single time.

I would never leave your side

Amity looks at her. "Luz, I could never be mad at you in this situation. What you choose to do with it is your choice. I'll stand by you no matter what."

I'll go anywhere if I'm with you

Alexa opens her mouth to speak, but Luz cuts her off."Don't even try to say that you're just being friendly. Because you've been hitting on me since you started working here, and I'm officially over it. I have someone already, and she's a million times better than you'll ever be. You're not it for me, so do everyone here a favor and get. A. CLUE!"

Lightning strikes

In the distance, the boys spot Amity jumping into more puddles and laughing.

Or any shade of blue

"Was I such a horrible mother that my own chilDren wanted nothing to do with me?!"



"Without a doubt."

The journey's the best part

"I can't believe it..." Luz says softly, smiling. "We're having a baby!"

"Again." Amity clarifies.

Even when the road gets hard

Luz starts to cry, and Amity begins to rub small circles on her back, whispering comforting things into her ear.

I'll go anywhere if I'm with you

Luz sighs once everyone leaves. "Our family, right?"

Amity nods. "Yup. And it's only going to keep growing." She says, taking the sleeping baby from Luz's arms. Luz smiles. "I can't wait." She says, placing a small kiss on her wife's forehead.

With you

Luz and Amity place the now sleeping babies back into their cribs and quietly make their way out of the room, hoping to get at least another hour of sleep.

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