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~Pregnancy Countdown: 15 Weeks (3 ¾ months)~

Now, normally, Amity didn't like spending her days off alone.

Today was no different, but she had Luz to sit with her.

They both sit on their couch, cuddling under a blanket while watching an Azura movie on one of Luz's human devices. While Amity watches the movie, Luz plays with her hair. Grabbing a piece of the purple-haired witch's hair, she begins braiding it.

"Your roots are growing in." She notes, causing Amity to look up at her. "Yeah, I was thinking of letting them grow out a bit. Is that alright...?"

"Babe, you never have to ask me what you can do with your hair." Luz says. "You'll always be beautiful to me."

Amity pouts, her eyes starting to tear up from her wife's kind words. "You are such a sweetheart!" she exclaims, hugging Luz tightly "Sweet like sugar."

Luz chuckles. "If I'm sugar, then you're Diabetes. Cause you can never get enough of me."

Amity raises a brow at her. "I'm not sure it works that way, Batata." she says. Luz shrugs. "You can't prove that it doesn't."

Amity sighs, choosing not to argue. "Whatever Luz." she says, turning back to the movie.

After a few minutes, the two were completely silent. So they were both startled by the loud knock that sounded from the front door. And when the knocking didn't stop, Luz gets irritated and decides to answer.

Big mistake.

Luz groans when Odalia forces her way into the house, disturbing the atmosphere which was at one point peaceful. Luz turns toward her wife. "We really need to stop opening this door."

Amity snickers a bit. "Yeah, really."

Odalia situates herself on one of the living room chairs. Luz takes her seat next to Amity. Amity sits with Luz uncomfortably. "This feels like a job interview." she whispers, making Luz snicker. "I'd hate to be the poor sucker applying to work for her." Luz whispers back.

Odalia clears her throat, gaining both girls' attention. "If you two are done conspiring," she says. "I've come to accept your apology."

Amity raises a brow. "Say wha-?"

"Your apology for keeping your pregnancy from me, as well as ignoring me. Oh, and don't forget the rude comments you've made towards me."

A moment of silence. Luz takes the time to wonder how Odalia manages to fit all that audacity inside of her body. Meanwhile, Amity just sighs. "If that's all you're here for, you can leave now."

Odalia lightly rolls her eyes. "Actually, I also came to discuss the future of your... assets."

Now it was Luz's turn to raise a questioning brow. "I really hope that you didn't just call our baby an 'asset'."

Odalia clears her throat. "If that's how you wish to view this conversation, so be it."

Luz tries her best to remain calm, mostly to avoid stressing out her wife. Amity also tries to remain calm, mostly because of her mother's audacity. But when Luz gently squeezes her hand, she feels a wave of calmness wash over her.

"How about this," Amity begins, speaking as calmly and as peacefully as possible, "We'll answer a few of your questions, very few, and then, you'll leave us alone. Indefinitely. Like, never talk to us again. Ever. At all."

Luz nods quickly. "That sounds like a good plan. You get what you want, to an extent, and we don't have to deal with you. It's a win-win!" She says, watching Odalia's fake smile fall in anger. "But you misunderstand. I want to be involved in my grandchild's life."

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