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~A few weeks later~

Amity groans, her eyes slowly fluttering open. Luz stands at the edge of the bed, changing into a light gray sweater and jeans. When she turns around, she notices Amity. "Hola, mi amor~" She says, leaving a small kiss on the witch's cheek. "Happy birthday!" she says. Amity smiles softly. "Good morning Love." She says before sitting up. "What time is it?"

"It's around noon. I figured I'd let you sleep in a bit today." Luz says, sitting on the bed. Amity yawns. "You didn't have to do that. You could've woken me up." she says. Luz smiles. "I know, but you deserve to sleep in every now and then. So, what do you want to do today?"

Amity thinks, before shrugging. "Honestly, I just want to spend time with you. I would have liked to spend it with everyone else too, but they were all busy." she says, draping her arms around Luz.

"Guess I'll just have to do, huh?" Luz jokes. Amity rolls her eyes playfully. "I guess so."

The two girls laugh. Amity sighs. "So we can do whatever you want today. I honestly don't care." she says. Luz looks flabbergasted. "But- but it's your birthday!" she exclaims. "We should be celebrating!"

"Alright, so what are we doing to celebrate?" Amity asks, a small smile on her face. "I don't know! That's why I asked you!"

Amity giggles. "Okay then, how about we go out?" she suggests. "Go eat, maybe shop around in the market. Just have fun, like when we were kids." she says. Luz's eyes start to sparkle. "Ooh! Now you're speaking my language!"

Amity looks at her perplexed. "I thought we were already speaking the same language..."

Luz chuckles, pulling Amity into her lap. "Come on. Let's get you dressed."

~That Night~

After a long day of quality time, Luz and Amity return home as the sky turns orange. Luz holds Amity's hand tightly, twirling her. Amity giggles in response. "Thank you Luz. Today was amazing!"

Luz smiles. "Anything for you, mi amor." Amity smiles. "This might be the best birthday I've ever had." She says, and Luz snickers in response. "Oh? Well it's about to get a whole lot better."

Amity raises a brow. "What did you do?" she asks. Luz shrugs. "I may have gotten you a present that I think you'll enjoy."

Amity gives her a confused look. "How afraid should I be?" she asks as they stop in front of the house. "I mean..." Luz wraps her arms around Amity's waist, "...how afraid do you want to be?"

Amity's face turns bright red. "Luz..."

"Yes, Princessa~?"

Amity gulps.

Luz hastily unlocks the door to let them in. When they flip the switch-


Amity and Luz both jump in surprise, shocked to find their families and friends waiting for them. Amity turns to Luz. "Did you know about this?" she asks. Luz shakes her head. "No, I had no idea."

"Well we couldn't tell you kid." Eda says. "You're a huge blabbermouth." Raine snorts and replies, "You're one to talk."

Amity laughs a bit. "But wait, how did you guys get in?" she asks. Willow holds up a small key. "You guys gave me your spare key when you moved in, remember?"

"Huh," Luz says, "I guess we did." Amity sighs as her siblings approach her. "Happy Birthday, Mittens!" The twins say in unison, pulling their little sister into a tight hug. Amity smiles. "Thanks everyone. This is amazing."

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