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~1 week Later~

Currently, our story follows Luz Noceda, who watches as her co-worker attempts to restrain her boss.

How did we get here, you may ask?


"She did WHAT?!" Amity yells. After the slap incident, Luz decided that she needed to tell Amity everything. Including what was causing her to start pushing her wife away.

"She..." Luz couldn't repeat the sentence, feeling tears well up in her eyes. Amity sighs. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to yell at you. But I- She- WHAT?!"

Currently, the two were discussing Alexa, Luz's co-worker who happens to be just a bit too friendly. Well, the girl seems to have gotten friendlier. In a way that, if reported, could not only get her fired, but arrested.

"I'm sorry, Ams... I tried telling her no. I did, really! But she forced my hand. And when it was done... I felt really dirty. So I started trying to distance myself from you... Because I felt like I didn't deserve you after what I did..."

"But you didn't do anything wrong! She's the one who forced you!" Amity says. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down before she scares her wife. "Did you tell Lillie?"

Luz quickly shakes her head. "Why not?" Amity asks. Luz clears her throat. "Lillie is like a stick of dynamite, with a fuse that changes length depending on who she's talking to." Luz moves her fingers further and further away, in order to demonstrate. "Right now, her fuse with Alexa is right here." she presses her fingers together. "So, anything and EVERYTHING will set her off. And I'm afraid of what she'll do to Alexa."

Amity sighs. "Luz, that's part of her job. As a leader, it's up to her to make sure her team is safe. And you're not safe as long as that girl is allowed into that building."

Luz swallows her spit. "It... kind of gets worse..."

Amity sighs again. "I'm kind of afraid to ask..." she says. "What else did she do?"

Luz takes a deep breath. "You remember that, uh... potion Lil made us before our wedding...?"

Amity's eyes go wide. "She didn't..."

Luz nods. "She gave me one. And now I feel really sick and I'm really scared of what that could mean and I'm scared to take a test cause I'm afraid of what the result will be and- Ami I'm just really scared." the human starts to tear up. Amity sighs, grabbing her jacket.

"Ami? Where are you going?"

"We're going to get a test." Amity says. Luz opens her mouth to protest, but Amity cuts her off. "I know you're scared of the result. I am too... But I'd rather know than not. Besides, we need to know exactly how serious this is."

Luz sighs, before nodding. "Okay."

Amity plants a kiss on her cheek. "By the way, I'm telling Lillie when we get home."


Well the results confirmed the girls's suspicion. And, true to her word, Amity did end up telling Lillie.

Which brings us to now. Luz watching as Hunter attempts to keep their leader from pummeling Alexa, who stands in the corner trembling.

"Let me at her!"

"No! If I'm not allowed to commit a murder, neither are you!"

Soon the help arrived. Specifically, Amity and her siblings. Edric rushes to help Hunter calm the blue-haired girl down. Amity rushes to Luz. "Love, are you alright?" Luz nods. "I'm fine. Things were honestly fine before Alexa walked in..."

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