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~2 Months Later~

Everything is happy. Well, almost everything.

Luz has been acting strange. Stranger than normal. And Amity noticed.

"Love, are you alright?" the witch asks, covering herself with the blankets of their bed, "You've been acting really... skittish lately." she says, watching her wife as Luz pulls her pajama pants over her legs.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Just got spooked during work, so I'm a little jumpy." Luz says, pulling off her shirt. Amity blushes, covering her eyes. "Are you sure? If there's something else going on, you can tell me." Amity says, her face red in embarrassment. Luz notices her wife's flustered state, a small smile spreading on her lips. "Ami, come on. We've been together for a long time. You don't have to get embarrassed."

Amity whines. "I'm embarrassed about being embarrassed..." She says, slamming her head into her pillow. Luz chuckles, tossing her shirt into the hamper with the dirty laundry and going to join her wife in bed. When Amity notices her wife's lack of a shirt, her face turns a darker red. Luz chuckles. "What's the matter, mi amor?"

Amity shakes her head quickly. "NoTHing!" She says, her voice cracking a bit. Luz smirks playfully. "Wow, you don't sound too good. Do you want some water?" She asks innocently, completely teasing her wife. Amity shakes her head again. "NO! No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I don't mind going to the kitchen for you."

Luz loved the small things that made Amity flustered like this.

Amity whines. "You're teasing me..."

Luz chuckles. "Sorry, Love. It's hard not to when you're so cute." she says, pulling Amity close. Amity smiles, wrapping her arms around the human's neck. "It's still not nice. I'm trying to make sure my wife is okay and she decides to distract me and poke fun at me."

Luz sighs. "I'm sorry, Lovely." she says gently tugging on her brastrap. "I've just had a bad feeling lately. Like someone's watching me. I just wanted to take my mind off of it... Sorry..."

"Oh, Luz. You don't have to apologize." Amity says. "But... If you need something to take your mind off of it..." She smiles, slowly climbing into Luz's lap. Luz chuckles. "Now you're speaking my language, amor~"

~Three Hours Later~

Both girls lay in bed, dead asleep. Luz subconsciously pulls Amity closer.

The bedroom door creaks open. A figure moves through the shadows. A blade shines in the moonlight. The figure moves close to Luz, preparing to strike.




Amity opens her eyes, her hand gripping Luz's bedside bat tightly. She sits up, grabbing her shirt from the edge of the bed and quickly throwing it on. Luz groans softly, and Amity begins to nudge her. "Luz! Luz, wake up!" She whispers. Luz groans again, her eyes fluttering open. "Babe...? What're you doing up?"

"Okay okay. So I woke up a few minutes ago and I heard someone come in through the front. Weird. Then, I heard them coming down the hall and I quickly reached over you for your bat and pretended to sleep. They came into the room and went to your side of the bed, so I hit them with the bat and they fell to the floor." Amity explains, a bit quickly and panicky.

Luz sits up, grabbing the random hoodie thrown on the floor near the rest of her clothes. Amity quickly shuffles to get her remaining articles of clothing, before getting out of bed and turning on the light. Both girls freeze at the sight of mint-green hair.

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