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~Pregnancy Countdown: 14 Weeks (3 ½ months)~

You'd think 2 weeks would be enough time to forget that your hellspawn mother showed up at your house and criticized all your choices. And if Odalia had managed to stay quiet about the whole incident since then, maybe things wouldn't have gotten to this point. But now, Amity has gotten to a point where she needs some sort of intervention to keep from breaking down and destroying everything.

So when her father and siblings asked her to come over for tea, she considered it to be a gift sent to her from the Titan. As she makes her way to Blight Manor, she receives a few texts from her lover.

L: Be safe.

L: Love you.

L: Say hi to the fam for me.

Amity smiles, making a mental note to reply to the messages when she arrives. Once the door was in front of her, she starts to knock. Emira opens the door after a few seconds. "Mittens! You're here!" she cheers, pulling Amity inside. Amity nods, momentarily losing and regaining her balance.

Edric runs into the room. "Mittens! How's my favorite baby sister doing?" he asks. Amity raises a brow at him. "What did he do now?" she asks Emira. Emira snickers.

Edric looks at Amity, offense clear in his face. "Mittens, I can't believe you would accuse me like that! I'm simply showing my love for my little sister." he coos.

Emira chuckles. "He found your baby pictures in the attic and sent them to Luz."

Amity turns back to her brother. "He did what?"

Edric starts to sweat nervously. "N-now Mittens. Let's just calm down and talk this out." he says, slowly backing away. Emira puts a hand on her sister's shoulder to calm her down. "Don't worry. I found his baby pictures and sent them to Lil."

"Y-yeah! I- wait, what did you do?"

Amity looks up at Emira, snickering evilly. "Did she say anything?" she asks. Emira's scroll buzzes as she pulls it out of her pocket. "Ooh! She did!"

"What'd she say?! What'd she say?!" Amity says, trying to look at the screen.

Emira reads the message. "She said 'Aw! Look at his chubby little cheeks!'" Emira lets out a snort as she finishes reading. Amity laughs, sitting on the couch. "Edric has been humiliated, I'm happy now."

Edric's face turns bright red. "Hey! That's mean!" he says. "Oh! Because sending my wife my baby pictures is totally fine."

"She's your WIFE! You're literally pregnant with her child!" Edric argues, sitting on the chair adjacent to the couch while Emira sits next to Amity. "You know, he kinda has a point." She says to her younger sister.

"Okay, but here's the thing." Amity starts, "I told you guys when I started dating Luz that I didn't want you guys to show her my baby pictures. I made that clear. Edric never said that you couldn't show his to Lillie."

Emira thinks about it. "You know, that's also a great point. Ed never said I couldn't."

"But I never said you could!"

"But you never said I couldn't."

Amity watches as the twins continue to go back and forth. She feels her scroll buzz with another text from Luz.

L: How are my favorite In-laws?

They're arguing about Baby Pictures :A

L: Yeah, Lillie showed them to Hunter. He's prepping himself for massive teasing.

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