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Today, Amity and Luz need to go down to the CATs headquarters. After the arrest of Odalia, plus the memory spell performed on Alexa after the incident, an interrogation needed to be held.

"Okay, but why do I have to do it?" Amity asks, walking hand-in-hand with Luz.

"Because what they did affected you more than anyone, Ami. You, in a way, were basically roofied, which is very illegal and they need to be punished. But Raine says we can't punish them without knowing why they did it."

"Then why don't they just use the memory spell again?" Amity asks again. Luz shrugs. "I dunno. But everyone thinks that you deserve to run the interrogation. For closure."

"What if I don't want closure? What if I just want to lock them both up and have all of this be done?"

Luz stops, forcing Amity to stop as well. Luz sighs heavily, pulling Amity into a hug.

"I know all of this sucks. And I know you just want it to be over. But it can't end if we don't know why. That's why we're doing this so that we can easily give them the punishment they deserve." Luz says. Amity nods. "Yeah..."

"Hey, how about this:" Luz takes Amity's hands in hers. "We go in, do whatever questioning they need you to, and then we get home and I spoil the heck out of you?"

Amity raises a brow. "How exactly do you plan to do that?"

Luz shrugs. "That's Future Me's problem. So, what do you say?" she asks. Amity thinks on it. "Fine. I'll do it. But you better make tonight the best night we've had since our wedding."

"Oh, trust me babe, that's the plan."

Amity giggles. "Come on then. Let's go."

The two begin to run.


When they open the doors, they find Lillie and Hunter sitting at the table with Edric and Emira. In Lillie's hands was a lyre, and she strums a simple melody. When Luz and Amity walk in, she stops. "Oh, hey."

Luz smiles. "You guys having fun in here?"

"Not as much fun as you guys apparently." Hunter says. "We've been waiting for you for two hours." he adds.

"Hunter!" Emira scolds. "Don't worry about him. He's just cranky cause he slept through breakfast."

"You could've woken me up. We live in the same house." Hunter grumbles.

"I've been taking care of one overgrown child for over twenty years, I don't need another one. You can wake yourself up." Emira crosses her arms.


"I think she was talking about you, Ed." Amity says.

"Ooooh... Hey!"

The others laugh.

"So, are we the last ones to show up?" Luz asks, taking a seat at the table with Amity taking the seat next to her. Lillie shakes her head. "Nope. We're waiting for Darius and Mr. Blight."

Amity nods. "So, what have you guys been doing while you were waiting?"

Lillie puts her lyre away. "I've been playing various songs on my plethora of instruments." she says. Luz tilts her head. "Why?"

"Because it annoys the people downstairs."

"IT'D BE GREAT IF YOU'D STOP!" An unfamiliar voice yells from downstairs. Lillie snickers evilly as she draws another spell circle, a flute appearing in her hand.

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