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~Pregnancy Countdown: 20 Weeks (5 months)~

"Dad, do I have to go?" Amity says into her scroll, rooting through her closet for her dress.

Tonight was a special night for Blight Industries. Tonight was a very formal party. The goal is to set up business deals between Blight Industries and other businesses on the Isles. Which means all three children needed to be there.

"Yes, Amity. " Alador says over the phone. "You know your brother and sister aren't as... composed as you are."

"Hey!" Amity hears Edric yell, making her snicker. "Okay, fine. But do I have to wear this particular dress?"

"What's wrong with your dress?" Alador asks. Amity thinks. "Well I'm just not sure it'll still fit. I've gained a bit of weight."

"I mean, there are spells for that, Mittens."

Amity rolls her eyes. "It's also a bit... out there."

"Hey! Do you not remember how hard it was to find a dress that you liked?!" Emira yells into the phone, and into Amity's ear. Amity pulls the phone away from her ear.

"It's not that I don't like it. It's just really eye-catching, I think. And I've been having some issues with drawing attention to myself..." she admits. Emira sighs. "Just get your butt in the dress and wear a jacket. Ed and I won't survive without you, especially since Hunter has some CATs party tonight as well."

"Wait, that's TONIGHT?!" Amity exclaims. Because if Hunter couldn't go tonight, that means Luz couldn't go either.

'Damn it!'

"Yup. So you're stuck with us." Edric says into the phone. Amity groans. "Okay now I have to stay home. Can't Ed and Em behave for one night?"

"They can't even behave for one phone call." Alador says, "You're going, Mittens. Even if I have to send Emira to get you."

Amity sighs. "Okay, fine. I'll see you there." She says, pulling her dress out of her closet. "Great. See you there, Mittens." Alador says before hanging up. Amity looks at her dress. An amethyst-colored dress with a crossover neckline and sleeves that went about ¾ down her arm. The dress went about an inch below her knee. All-in-all, not a bad dress, and was specifically designed for pregnant witches, so that's a plus.

Just when Amity finished changing, Luz walks into the room. "Hey babe, have you seen my-" she stops when she sees Amity in the dress. "Oh, hell~lo." Luz says flirtatiously, watching her wife become a flustered tomato. She smiles. "You look lovely tonight."

Amity lets out an incoherent squeak. Luz smirks at this and pulls the flustered witch closer. She leans into Amity's ear and whispers, "absolutely gorgeous."

Amity whines softly. "Do you have to go tonight? Can't we just stay here?" Luz chuckles. "As much as I would love to, the thing I'm going to is super mandatory. Like, they're paying us to be there." She says. "Even though I'd rather be with you tonight."

Amity sighs, wrapping her arms around Luz's neck. "Well, I'll see you later, right?" She asks. Luz quickly nods. "Absolutely. I'll come home and we'll cuddle till the sun rises."

Amity smiles, kissing Luz's cheek. "It's a promise."

Luz smiles. "Now, I need to finish getting ready or else she I'm going to be late. Have you seen my watch?" She starts to look around the room, on the dresser, and under the bed.

Amity giggles. "You mean the one that's on your wrist?"

Luz stops and slowly looks towards her left wrist, which had her watch. She chuckles nervously. "There it is. Thank you."

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