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~1 Month Later~


This was the best word that Amity Noceda could use to describe her current emotional state. She and Luz had taken the past month off to recover from their loss. And now, Luz has to return to work.

"Do you really have to go?" Amity asks, watching Luz as she starts getting ready.

"Well, we kind of need an income. Unless you just don't want to eat for a few days." Luz says. Amity stays quiet for a moment, before shrugging. "Meh, I could stand to lose a few pounds." she says. Luz looks over at her. "Ami, that's not funny!"

Amity giggles a bit, watching her lover. "What do I even do while you're gone?" she asks. Luz shrugs. "I dunno. What do you usually do while I'm gone?"

"A whole lot of nothing." Amity answers. "I do chores if there are any. But usually there aren't so I just stay in bed until you get back."

"Wow. So you really just wait for me to get back?" Luz asks. Amity nods. "Basically. I'll tend to Ghost every now and then but usually she just sleeps."

"Sweet Potato, that's not healthy." Luz looks at her. Amity sighs. "Well, it's hard to find a hobby and stick with it, you know?" "Well we'll have to work on that on our next day off." Luz says, fixing her hair in the mirror. "Now, I really need to get going." she walks out of the room. "Wait for me!" Amity yells after her, falling out of bed with a thud and running after Luz. Luz quickly runs to her upon hearing the thud. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm alright. Nothing broken. Except my heart..." Amity pouts, causing Luz to snicker. "Okay well I'll have to deal with that when I get home." She says. Amity sighs.

Luz chuckles. "Here, I'll see if Ed and Em want to come hang out with you while I'm gone. That way you're not lonely."

"But I want to hang out with you."

"I know, babe. And I want to hang out with you too, but I really need to get to work now. I promise after my shift I'll come straight home. Now I need to go or Lil will have my head for being late."

Amity sighs. "Fine, I'll let you go." she says. Luz smiles. "Thank you, Lovely." She leaves a small kiss on Amity's forehead. "I'll see you tonight, Love."

Then, Luz walks out the door, leaving Amity alone in the house. Amity looks around the house for something to do. Eventually, she decides to go back to bed until Luz got home.

~About an hour in~

Amity lays in bed in a pitiful state when the twins burst in. "Mittens!" They exclaim, running and jumping on the bed to join her. Amity whines softly.

"Wow, good to see you too. It's not like it's been a month since we've seen you!" Emira says sarcastically. Edric nods. "Yeah! A whole month without seeing our favorite baby sister."

Amity sighs. "Sorry guys. I just miss Luz." She says. "Already?! It's only been an hour since she called us."

"I know, I know. But an hour without Luz after a whole month with her? I'm just so used to having her here to snuggle with..."

"Speaking of, how was your month off? You guys mentioned after the incident that you wanted to be left alone. How did it go?" Emira asks. Edric excuses himself. "You two keep talking. I just remembered that I have a surprise."

Ed leaves the room, and Amity decides to answer her sister's question. "Well, it took us a few days to get over the shock of the incident, and for the grieving to become... bearable. I didn't leave the bed those first few days." She sighs before continuing. "But after that, the two of us sat down to talk about everything. We decided not to try again right now and focus on our marriage instead. Since we're still kind of newlyweds. Honestly, most of it kind of felt like a honeymoon to me." She blushes. "But I think we're both feeling a bit better now."

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