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~3 Months Later~

The last 3 months for Luz were amazing. Amazing wife, amazing baby, amazing life.

For Amity, it was hell and a half.

Turns out that being in your third trimester with a newborn is awful. Even though they kind of lucked out with a baby that didn't wake them up every single hour, Amity ended up waking up that often anyway with 'Bebé número dos' (as Luz calls them). But Luz has been a saint to Amity during this, making a habit of getting up with Amity when Luka needed them, despite being told that this wasn't necessary.

Now, though, Luka is three months old, which is about as good a time as any to receive a visit from the family. Originally, Luz and Amity wanted to limit it to parents only for the first visit, then the siblings. But, Edric and Emira couldn't wait one more day to spend time with their favorite niece, so they ended up coming anyway. Which led to Hunter com"ing as well, and then Willow and Gus found out and decided to pop by as well. And then, it was a party.

While Luz entertains the guests, Amity tries cooking in the kitchen. Key word: tries. Not that she's a bad cook, but lately Luz noticed that she's been getting tired a lot more as of late. After hearing the clatter of pans, Luz looks over at Willow, who holds Luka in her arms. "Hey, do you mind if I...?"

Willow shakes her head. "Go check on your wifey. I've got the little one." she says. Luz sighs. "You are a saint." She says, quickly getting up and heading to the kitchen. "And here I thought you were only friends with me for my good looks."

With a small smile, Luz heads into the kitchen, where her wife kneels on the floor trying to clean up a pot's worth of red sauce that had spilled. "Whoa, babe. Let me clean this up." She says. Amity shakes her head. "No, I can do it." she says, as Luz grabs a roll of paper towels to clean it. "Babe, you are one yoga class away from going into labor. Please don't push it." she says, starting to clean up the sauce. Amity pouts. "I can still do it..."

"I know." Luz says, looking at her. "I just want you to save your strength in case this baby ends up coming today. You remember what it was like giving birth to Luka." she says. Amity sighs. "Yeah, I know. I just don't like feeling so helpless. I want to be able to do things like this, and I can't."

Luz sighs, sitting down on the floor next to her. "I get it. Things are hard." she says. "But the great thing is that we're doing this together. You don't have to do things like this because I'm here to help when you need it, the same way you help me when I need it."

Amity sighs. "Thanks Luz. For everything." she says. Luz pulls her into a hug. "Anytime, mi amor. Now, why don't you have a seat while I finish up the food?" she suggests, tossing the dirty paper towels into the trash. Amity shakes her head. "No, I want to help."

The two girls stand up, Amity a bit more slowly than Luz. "Babe, I love you, and I know you want to help. But please help me help you by getting some rest. Like I said, you could have this baby any second... and I'd rather you be comfortable when that happens."

Amity pouts. "Pleeeeeaaaase?"

Luz shakes her head. "Nope." Amity crosses her arms. "Fine."

Luz chuckles. "Don't worry, Hermosa. You can stay here and supervise me while I cook." she says. Amity looks at her, shocked. "But, what about-"

"Luka's in the living room with Willow. She's completely safe." Luz says, returning to the food on the stove. "And what if-"

"If you go into labor, we leave Willow in charge and head to the hospital. I already talked to Eda and Raine and they'd be happy to babysit for however long it takes. And after the baby is born, Raine said they'd happily bring Luka to the hospital."

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