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~2 Years Later~

Luz anxiously paces around the living room of her home, waiting for Amity to return.

Honestly, this was all Lillie and Stringbean's fault.

Two months ago, Luz drank a "mystery potion" given to her by Lillie. Neither of them knew what it would do to Luz, which was part of the fun of drinking it. Luz didn't even notice any difference until she got home and tried to engage in spicy time with Amity, where she noticed a major change caused by the potion.

But where EXACTLY does Stringbean tie into this?

In the Demon Realm, there is an old wives' tale which says that when your partner's Palisman lays on your stomach, it means that there's a baby on the way. And for the past month, Stringbean's favorite place to lay down is atop Amity's stomach.

As soon as Amity realized, she ran out of the house to buy a test. And when that test came back positive, she took another, and then another. Finally, Amity decided to see a healer, which is where she was currently.

Luz has just gotten off of work, which is why she couldn't go with Amity. Now, she simply waits for her wife to come home and tell her everything.

Luz sits on the couch, gnawing at the nail on her right thumb to avoid actually biting it. Stringbean looks up at the human, a worried expression on the snake-shifter's face. Luz scratches the underside of Stringbean's chin, a small smile on her face.

"She'll be home soon. And whatever happens, we all have each other."

Stringbean hisses in agreement.

Within minutes, Amity walks through the door, holding Ghost in her arms. Luz stands up and rushes over, as Ghost jumps out of Amity's arms to join Stringbean on the couch. Luz watches, before turning her gaze back to Amity. Neither could speak, both unsure of how to start the conversation, but the silence spoke volumes. Finally, Amity simply gives Luz a small nod.

After a moment, Luz pulls Amity into a tight hug. Amity laughs a bit, hugging her back. Luz pulls away from the hug, only to pull Amity in for a passionate kiss, which is also happily returned. Stringbean hisses something to Ghost, and Ghost meows snappily in reply.

"I told you so." Luz says, translating Stringbean's words. "Shut up." Amity replies, translating Ghost.Both girls giggle.

"I can't believe it..." Luz says softly, smiling. "We're having a baby!"

"Again." Amity clarifies.

Luz chuckles, nuzzling her face into Amity's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." Amity says. Luz gasps. "We need to tell everyone!"

"No! Not yet!" Amity says quickly, surprising Luz. "Huh? Why not?"

Amity sighs. "After last time, I just... don't want to get anyone's hopes up." she says. Luz frowns, but nods. "Yeah, I get that."

Amity sits on the couch. "I'm sorry. I know you're excited." She says. Luz sits next to her. "No, don't worry about that. I'm still super-mega stoked about this. I mean, we're having a baby!" The Human smiles brightly, holding Amity's hand. "My only issue is keeping it a secret from our families. Especially Eda and your Dad. They seem to have a nose for this kind of thing."

Amity shrugs. "Nah. My dad just has grandbaby fever. And Eda... I'm not sure." she says. "If possible, I'd like to try to make it past 5 months before we tell everyone."

Luz nods. "I'm not that good at keeping secrets, but I'll try my best." she says. Amity smiles. "Thank you, Love."

"So... about that dinner party tonight..." Luz chuckles nervously. Amity's eyes go wide. "Oh shoot..."

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