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After a long day, a nice thing to do is have a family night. So while Amity sets up the living room, Luz prepares the snacks.

"Hey Luz?" Amity calls out. "Any idea where we left the gray sheet?"

"Did you check the closet?" Luz asks, putting the snacks on a tray. Amity groans. "That was the first place I looked." She says. Luz chuckles, bringing the tray into the living room and setting it on the coffee table. "Um, Ams? Don't you think we have enough blankets here?" she asks. Amity scoffs in reply. "You know how Hunter is about Blanket Forts. He's the reason we have so many blankets in the house."

"Yeah, he's the reason." Luz says sarcastically. Amity stops in her tracks. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"That I have a wife who always complains that she's cold." Luz jokes. Amity gasps. "Oh, wow. At least I don't hog the blanket at night. Maybe if I did, I wouldn't be so cold." Amity jokes. Luz laughs. "Well, maybe Ed and Em can help us find the sheet."

"Or, you could help me?" Amity suggests. Luz sighs. "I suppose..." she jokes, going into the hallway to check the closet. Amity checks the guest rooms before they both hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Amity says, "It might be the Twins."

"Gotcha. I'll be here." Luz answers, rummaging through the hall closet. Amity rushes to the door and opens it, revealing her older siblings.

"Mittens!" They say in unison, pulling her into a hug. Amity hugs them back. "Hey guys. Glad you could make it."

"Are you kidding? It's Family Night! We wouldn't miss it for the world." Emira says. Luz comes in holding a sloppily folded gray sheet. "Yeah. Shame King didn't want to join." she says, joining the conversation.

Amity nods. "Yeah. But he was excited to spend some more time with Gwen and Dell. Besides, you can't hog King all to yourself."

Luz pouts, crossing her arms. "I can try..."

The twins laugh. "So, we just waiting on Hunter?" Edric asks. The girls nod. "Yup. And Lil." Amity says. "Huh?" the brother raises a brow at his sister.

"Yeah. Tonight's going to double as her Family-initiation." Emira explains. Edric gives her a deadpan look. "You know we've only been dating for a few months, right?"

"Hey, anyone who can tolerate you for that long deserves to be a member of this family." Amity says, sitting on the couch. "Hey!" Edric groans. "You guys are gonna scare her off."

"We're still talking about the woman who enjoys beating people up for a living, right?" Luz asks sarcastically. "I'm pretty sure you can't scare her."

"Actually, she scares pretty easily. As long as you catch her when she's not paying attention." Edric says, grabbing a chip off of the tray. The girls all give each other a look.

"What?" Edric asks.

"Nothing." Emira answers quickly.

Before Edric could reply, someone starts banging on the front door. Amity looks at Luz. "Do you think thats them?"

Luz shakes her head. "No, their shift hasn't ended yet. Plus, Hunter doesn't bang on the door like that." she says, getting up to answer. When she opens the door, her mother-in-law falls to the floor. Luz quickly moves out of the way, letting Odalia faceplant into the wooden floor and spilling the Apple Blood she held in her hand.

"Ah! Man! Eda was just here, drunk, a week ago!" Luz groans. "Copying a good mother does not make you one!" She says to Odalia. Edric and Emira cover their mouths to hold in their snickers. Amity sighs. "I'm not dealing with this tonight. I'm calling Hunter."

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