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Luz opens the door, and enter Willow, Gus, and Hunter.

"Heyo!" Gus calls out. "We're here for the big reveal." he says. Luz raises a brow. "Huh?"

"Amity, do you still have-" "Yes, Gus, we still have it." Amity says. "It's in the Kids' room." She walks into the hallway. Luz blinks. "Wait, what's happening?"

"That box your mom left. Amity called us all over so we could open it." Willow explains. "Ohhh... Wait! Babe, why didn't you tell me they were coming?" Luz calls out. "I did!" Amity yells back. "I've been telling you every day for a week that they were coming over. I even told you two hours ago when I asked you to take a shower."

"Ohhhhh..." Luz says. "Yeah, I didn't do that." "I know." Amity walks into the room, holding a decently sized cardboard box. "Come on. Let's take it into the kitchen."

The group all head into the kitchen, where Amity sets the box on the table. "Hey, where're the babies?" Willow asks. "Right before you guys got here, we finally got them to go to sleep. We're hoping to keep them down for as long as possible." Luz explains.

"It's not working too well so far." Amity adds. "At least, not for Emmy." Luz says.

"Well, Luka's had more time to get used to the world." Amity says. "Emilyn is only about 3 weeks old. You remember what Luka was like when she was that small?"

"You talk about these babies as if they're not three months apart." Hunter says. Willow and Gus snicker.

"Are we opening this or what?" Luz asks. Amity nods. "Yeah, I just need... Where are my keys?"

Hunter hands her his keychain, which holds a small pocket knife. Amity opens the knife and quickly drags it across the tape, opening the box. Together, she and Luz pulls the flaps apart, so the gang can take a look inside.

Inside the box were many items. Leather-bound photo albums and journals, a plethora of rattles and baby toys, and-"

"Oh my titan!" Willow exclaims, pulling a small garment out of the box. Amity gasps when she sees it. "Otter onesie!"

"There's a million of them in here." Gus says, peeking into the box. "There's probably enough to dress the girls in them."

"That would be an adorable family photo." Willow says excitedly. Amity quickly turns to Luz. "Can we? Pretty please?" she begs, giving Luz puppy-eyes. Luz smiles. "Sure, but we'll have to get some for ourselves."

Amity and Willow begin talking excitedly about the onesies, and how cute the girls will look in them, while Luz picks up one of the journals. Gus and Hunter each grab a rattle and start shaking them while Luz opens it.

My precious Daughter,

You have taught me many things, since the first day I met you. You've shown me responsibility, hope, and love in ways I did not know. It hurts my heart to think that I won't be able to watch you grow into the wonderful person I know you will become. I won't be able to watch you graduate or walk you down the aisle at your wedding. But my biggest regret is that I won't be able to meet your future children (fur babies included). But I can at least make sure you're off to a good start, should you need it. I love you, and I know you'll be the kind of daughter, wife, and mother that I would be proud of.



A quick glance at the next page, which read in bold lettering:

It Gets Better From Here... I Hope
A guide to parenting by Manuel Noceda
Vol. 1

Luz sniffles, closing the book before her tears could ruin the pages. Amity rushes over. "Luz, are you okay?" She asks frantically. Luz nods. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She wipes away her tears. "Just, y'know, a little something from my dad."

Amity nods in understanding, hugging Luz tightly. Luz sighs. "I just... wish he could've met you guys. I know he'd love all of you, and the girls." she says. Amity nods. "Maybe when the girls are a bit older, we'll take them to visit his grave?" She suggests. Luz nods. "Yeah, I'd like that."

The room falls silent, and Hunter grabs one of the photo albums from the box. "Hey, what's this?" He asks. Luz looks over. "Oh, that's probably just-" She stops in her tracks, realizing the power that Hunter has. "...my baby pictures..."

Never had Luz seen any group of people run so fast.

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