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~9 Months Later~

When Edric called Luz and Amity to invite them to a Baby-meeting party, Luz was skeptical. Mostly because Baby Noceda could be coming at any moment. But Amity was excited. She hadn't seen her older brother in nearly 3 months, since Baby Blight was born.

"But Ed has sent me pictures," Amity says, "And he looks absolutely adorable."

Luz chuckles. "Do you mean Ed, or the baby?"

Amity scoffs. "I would never say my brother is adorable. Not out loud."

The two walk hand-in-hand to Edric's new home. They could have flown on their staffs, but Amity simply didn't want to.

When they arrive at the new address of Edric and his wife, they discover that the house wasn't much smaller than theirs, like Emira suggested it would be. In fact, it was about the same size.

Luz and Amity step onto the porch, Amity stops and inspects her clothing. "Does this sweater make me look fat?" She asks Luz. Luz takes a deep breath. "Few things. One: That's a trick question, you think everything makes you look that way because you're pregant. Two: If you were thinking the sweater wasn't flattering, shouldn't you have asked me when we were still at the house?"

Amity giggles. "You didn't answer the question."

"There's no right answer. If I say yes then I'm a meanie, but if I say no then I'm just lying to spare your feelings."

Amity laughs. "Yeah, I know." She takes a deep breath. "Is it normal to be this nervous?" she asks. Luz nods. "It's always scary the first time." Amity raises a brow. "My mom had a lot of siblings, so I have a lot of cousins. By the time I was 12, it seemed like there was a new baby every other month." Luz explains.

"Are you two going to go in, or keep stalling?" A voice asks. The two turn around and spot Emira walking up the steps to them.

"Em?" Amity asks, confused. "What happened? Are we early, cause I thought we were late."

Emira shakes her head. "No, Dad and the others came ahead of me. We are actually very late, so if you could please knock on the door."

"Right, sorry!" Luz says, knocking on the door. Edric opens the door. "Sisters! Come on in. Dad's got the baby right now, but hopefully he'll be ready to share soon."

Luz, Amity, and Emira step inside. "Hey, where's Lillie at? I got her something." Emira asks. Edric sighs. "She is taking a nap. She's been staying up late to make sure the baby sleeps through the night."

"So, does he have a name? Or are we going to keep referring to him as 'the baby'?" Amity asks, crossing her arms. Edric chuckles. "Yeah, we named him Elijah."

"Don't be fooled. That means she named him and he didn't do anything." Emira whispers loudly, causing Luz and Amity to snicker. "Okay, that was rude." Edric says. "Not rude if its truuuuuue." Emira says in a singsong voice.

"No, still very rude."

"This place is nice." Luz says, changing the subject. "Thanks. I've been decorating like crazy." Edric says. "With a baby?" Emira asks. Edric nods. "Yeah."

Lillie rushes into the room. "Ed!" she looks at him. "When did everyone get here?"

"Uh..." Edric thinks, "Dads and Hunter showed up about a half hour ago. These three just got here." "Why didn't you wake me up? I wanted to help you greet everyone." Lillie asks.

"Babe, you've been doing a lot, and you seem really tired." Ed says. Lillie sighs. "You know what? I need a drink." she starts walking toward the kitchen.

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