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There are many great ways to spend your day off. At home, cleaning. At home, reading. At home, period. OR, you can be like Luz and Amity, who agreed to help Willow with her work.

Willow Park, a pretty well-known small business owner in Bonesborough, uses her knowledge of plant magic to make natural remedies and elixirs. These remedies help treat illnesses as minor as the common mold, to more severe and life-threatening ailments.

Luz and Amity step inside the shop, a small bell ringing. Willow comes out behind a yellow curtain, covered in purple slime. "Oh, thank the titan you guys are here!" She says. Luz and Amity simply stare at her. "What happened?!" Luz asks. Willow blushes in embarrassment. "I tried making Abomination goo for an order and it kind of... exploded."

Amity giggles softly. "Want some help with that?" she offers. Willow nods quickly. "Yes please! That would be great."

Luz nods. "How about I run the front while you two do that? Give you both a chance to work." she says. Willow nods. "Yes please."

Amity steps behind the counter and behind the curtain with Willow, while Luz stays at the front. Amity spots the pot where Willow originally tried to make the goo, immediately starting her work. After a few minutes of the two working in silence, Willow speaks up.

"So, the weather's getting colder. You know what that means."

"Yup, Winter is coming." Amity replies, a small smirk appearing on her face. Out of the corner of her eye, she could spot Willow's eyeroll. "Not that! I meant your BIRTHDAY!"

Yes, Amity Blight, the winter baby.

Amity sighs. "Yeah, it's not that big a deal." she says. Willow scoffs. "Not a big deal?! Birthdays are a HUGE deal! A celebration of your life!"

"An eternal countdown to your death."


Amity snickers. "Sooooooo..." Willow starts. "What are you going to do for your birthday?" she asks. Amity thinks about it for a moment. "Honestly, I don't know. It'd be nice to spend some quality time with everyone, Luz especially." she says. "Maybe a Dinner or something."

Willow smiles. "That sounds nice. So, any thoughts on what you want for a present?" she says. Amity thinks for a moment. "Anything but another houseplant. I accidentally killed the one you gave me as a wedding present and I was pregnant at the time so I just cried about it. And Luz laughed at me when she came home."

Willow starts to laugh. "She laughed at you?" "Yeah! I was so sad and I couldn't get the words out right away and when I finally said something she was so shocked and just started laughing." Amity says. Willow wipes away a tear. "Honestly, I'd be mad if that were me." she jokes. Amity nods. "Yeah." She starts, before going along with the joke. "Yeah! I am mad, actually!" she says jokingly.

Luz peeks her head through the curtain. "Are you two talkin' about me back here?" she asks. Amity scoops up some Abomination Goo from the pot and throws it at Luz, the goo landing in the Human's hair.

"Gah! What was that for?!"

"You laughed at me when I cried over that houseplant!"

Luz blinks for a moment. "Yeah cause it was funny."

Amity grabs some more goo and throws it at her wife. "I was emotionally distraught for three hours!"

Luz snickers. "You were crying over a houseplant for three hours?"

Amity prepares to throw more abomination goo at Luz, but Willow interrupts. "Hey, is anyone hungry?"

Both Luz and Amity stop in their tracks. "Yeah..." Luz nods. Amity shrugs. "I could eat."

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