"Back To You" Sneak Peek

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September 26th.

Amity Blight, age 13, sits at a lunch table with her cheerleader friends. She zones out for a bit, before the blonde girl sitting across from her snaps her fingers in the Blight's face.

"Huh?" Amity asks, snapping out of her trance. The girl huffs. "We're trying to plan our next prank for the new girl. We already put the water bucket above her locker in Gym. What should we do next?" she asks. Amity looks over at the new student sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria.

A girl with brown curly hair, tan skin, and caramel-colored eyes. Her head was held down towards the brown paper bag before her, which went unopened as she continued to stare at it.

Amity shrugs. "Leave her alone? She's only been here for a couple of days. You're acting like a stereotypical cheerleader, not to mention a total bitch."

The other girls gasp softly, while the leader glares at Amity. "And you're not acting like a very good friend. Keep up this little attitude and I have no problem dropping you as a friend. And then, you'll have no one."

Amity rolls her eyes. "My math scores keep the pom poms in your hands. I'm pretty sure you need me more than I need you. And what's your obsession with the new kid? The last time you worked this hard to torment someone, it was because you had a crush on them."

The others say nothing because, as usual, Amity was right. But the leader huffs again. "You know what, I'm done with you. You're not allowed to sit with us until you apologize."

The bell rings, and Amity quickly stands up. "Fine, good luck passing your classes without me."

~The Next Morning~

Amity walks into school that day chewing a piece of gum from her pencil case and immediately goes to her locker to grab her books for her morning classes. While grabbing her math notebook out of her backpack, her ex-friend from the day before appears in front of her.


"Lexi." Amity replies, pulling her English notebook out of her bag. Lexi clears her throat. "I'm here to give you a chance to apologize for your attitude yesterday."

Amity glances at her, not saying anything. Lexi continues. "You were really rude to me. So I believe you owe me an apology."

Lexi holds out her hand, closing her eyes as she waits for Amity's apology. Amity closes her locker after grabbing the last of her supplies. She pulls her gum out of her mouth and places the slimy wad into the blonde's hand and closes it, patting the cheerleader on the shoulder. "You need this more than I do." the Blight whispers before walking away.

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