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~Pregnancy Countdown: 20 Weeks (5 months)~


Three days after the party, the Blights and Clawthornes decide to work together to host a special dinner party. For what reason? No one knows.

Luz and Amity snuggle in bed before Luz decides to get up and get ready to go. Amity whines. "Luuuuuz..." she groans. "Can we stay in bed a bit longer?"

Luz sighs. "Does your stomach still hurt?" she asks. Amity nods gently. "And my head..."

"Ams, I'm thinking we should get you to the healer's office. This has been going on for a few days. I'm worried." Luz says. Amity quickly shakes her head. "No, it's not that bed. My head will be fine in a bit." she says, slowly sitting up in the bed. Luz raises a brow. "And your tummy?"

Amity shrugs. "Probably just Baby trying to give me a hard time. You know how it goes."


Luz sighs. "Babe..."

Amity cuts her off. "I'll be fine! I promise if it gets too bad, I'll tell you and we can go to the healer's." she says. Luz hesitates. "Fine... But I'm going to put Hunter and the Twins on high alert. If you start feeling any sicker, I will know."

Amity slowly gets out of bed, walks over, and gives Luz a kiss on the cheek. "It's a deal." She says. Luz pulls her close, kissing her lovingly. Amity kisses her back. They pull away after a few moments, smiling softly.

"I love you, Sweet Potato." Luz says.

Amity giggles and replies "Te amo, Batata."


"No fair! I've been doing really good without spicy time! You know I can't resist when you speak Spanish at me!" Luz whines. Amity gives her a devilish smirk. "That's what makes it fun."

Luz shudders, pulling away from Amity. "No time for that! We need to get ready for the party and stop by the market. Hunter wants us to stop and get the stuff to make cake." she says, going to her dresser. Amity makes her way toward the closet. "Cake actually sounds really good right now." She says, grabbing a jacket out of the closet.

"Yeah, and he wants to top it with whipped cream." Luz says. Amity smiles. "Ooh, that's gonna be delicious."


Luz gets dressed in a green flannel shirt with a gray tank top underneath and a pair of ripped jeans. She sits on the bed, grabbing her sneakers from under the bedframe. Amity looks through the closet, trying to find something. After getting her sneakers on, Luz gets up and hugs her from behind. "What's wrong, Ma Fraise?"

Amity sighs. "I can't find anything that still fits me." She says. Luz frowns. "Babe, there's plenty in here that fits you. You wore some of these last week alone."

"I know, I know. I'm just... not feeling good about any of it today." Amity says, leaning into Luz's touch. Luz thinks. "Well, you can borrow something from me if you want." She suggests. "I got lots of comfy clothes and stuff you can wear. Mostly hoodies and flannels, I'll admit, but who doesn't love a good hoodie?"

Amity sighs. "Yeah, if it's alright with you." She says. Luz smiles, leading her to the dresser. She opens the drawer to an array of hoodies and different colored flannel shirts, all folded and neatly put away. "Take your pick."


Tick... Tock...

Luz and Amity begin the walk to Blight Manor from the market after buying cake ingredients. Amity suddenly feels a sharp pain in her stomach, stopping and using a nearby tree to hold herself up. Luz stops and watches her, dropping the bag of ingredients to help her. "Babe? What's wrong?"

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